Rainbow Weekend Saturday Results
Morning Non-Life Master Pairs
Afternoon Non-Life Master Pairs
Evening Non-Life Masterr Pairs
GNT: Championship Flight
GNT: Flight A
GNT: Flight B

EVENT>Sat Morn 0-NLM Pairs     |SESSION>Only         |SECTION> W N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
DATE>March 1, 2014      |SANCTION>SN1403023 | 03/01/2014 13:16|EVENT CODE>0151
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,--- -----------------
CITY>Sturbridge MA   |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>   84.0 |TOP>   7 |MP LIMITS>500/300/125    |TOURN>Rainbow Weekend
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=8/B=6/C=2                       ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Harris Kagan           Gail Kagan               C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     68.00  40.48          

 2 Alan Peterfreund       Michael Ramella          C   4     4     1   |   1     1     1     98.50  58.63  1.59(OC)

 3 Timothy Pettus         Thomas Greehan III       A  6/7    .     .   |   3     .     .     95.50  56.85  0.76(OA)

 4 Art Keppelman          Jack Linn                B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     81.50  48.51          

 5 Jocelyn Goranson       Peter Goranson           B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     78.00  46.43          

 6 Emily Marcus           Eric Throop              A  NE     .     .   |   NE    .     .     86.00  51.19          

 7 Roger Bell             Dana Kramer              B   5     5     .   |   2     2     .     97.00  57.74  1.16(OA)

 8 Michael Howard         Leonard Strang           B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     67.50  40.18          

                                          Totals                                            672.00       

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8
   1>     5-    1     1     4     3     1     5-    7 
        -120  -180  -180  -130  -150  -180  -120   100 

   2>     3     3     5     3     0     6-    6-    1 
        -150  -150  -130  -150  -210   -90   -90  -180 

   3>      -    7     3     3     3     6     5      -
        -620   420  -170  -170  -170   140  -130  -620 

   4>     0     4-    4-    4-    4-    1     7     2 
        -620   100   100   100   100  -200   200  -110 

   5>     2     4-    2     2     6-    6-    4-    0 
         150   170   150   150   660   660   170   130 

   6>     2     6-    1     4-    6-    0     3     4-
         -50   400  -100   300   400  -150   110   300 

   7>     0     4-    6     3     4-    1     2     7 
        -140   100   200  PASS   100  -110  -100   300 

   8>     6     7     2     0     2     2     4     5 
         110   140   -50  -110   -50   -50    50   100 

   9>     0     1-    7     4     1-    4     4     6 
        -630  -600   -90  -150  -600  -150  -150  -140 

  10>     1     3     3     5-    0     5-    7     3 
        -170  -140  -140  -110  -200  -110  -100  -140 

  11>     4     4      -    7     4     4     4      -
         450   450   200   590   450   450   450   200 

  12>     0     3-    3-    1     3-    7     6     3-
        -140   100   100    50   100   130   110   100 

  13>     6     3     6      -    3     3      -    6 
         100  -140   100  -620  -140  -140  -620   100 

  14>     4-    1-    1-    4-    1-    6     7     1-
         400   -50   -50   400   -50   420   460   -50 

  15>     6-    1-    4     4     1-    6-    0     4 
         650   130   620   620   130   650   100   620 

  16>     0     5-    5-    2-    5-    2-    5-    1 
        -620  -140  -140  -170  -140  -170  -140  -200 

  17>     3     6     7     0     5     1     3     3 
          50   430   500  -300   120  -150    50    50 

  18>     7     3-    5-    1     3-    1     5-    1 
         620   150   200    50   150    50   200    50 

  19>     3-    3-    3-    1     7     6     3-    0 
        -690  -690  -690 -1370  -620  -660  -690 -1440 

  20>      -    5-    5-    5-     -    5-    2     3 
        -200   620   620   620  -200   620  -100   170 

  21>     6     3-     -    2     5     7      -    3-
        -120  -170  -420  -200  -140  -100  -420  -170 

  22>     3     5     6     7      -    3     3      -
          90   100   120   200   -50    90    90   -50 

  23>     2-    6-    5     6-    2-    0     2-    2-
        -130   110  -100   110  -130  -200  -130  -130 

  24>     1-    3-    7     5-    3-    0     5-    1-
        -430  -400  -120  -180  -400  -460  -180  -430 

EVENT>Sat Morn 0-NLM Pairs     |SESSION>Only         |SECTION> W E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
DATE>March 1, 2014      |SANCTION>SN1403023 | 03/01/2014 13:16|EVENT CODE>0151
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,--- -----------------
CITY>Sturbridge MA   |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>   84.0 |TOP>   7 |MP LIMITS>500/300/125    |TOURN>Rainbow Weekend
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=8/B=6/C=3                       ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Joyce Leary            Patricia Dowling         C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     73.50  43.75          

 2 Anne McCune            James Nowill             B   1     1     .   |   1     1     .    108.00  64.29  3.68(OA)

 3 Cynthia Gibson         Simon Zimmerman          A   .     .     .   |   3     .     .     87.00  51.79  0.49(SA)

 4 Barbara Johnson        Elizabeth Scully         C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     74.50  44.35          

 5 Rubin Gruber           Bob Sanzo                B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     84.00  50.00          

 6 Sheila Barton          Nancy Madden             A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     59.50  35.42          

 7 Richard Verrill        Norma Verrill            B   2     2     .   |   2     2     .    107.00  63.69  2.76(OA)

 8 Elaine Gelinas Gray    Lucinda Stebbins         C   .     .     .   |   .     .     1     78.50  46.73  0.57(SC)

                                          Totals                                            672.00       

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8
   1>     1-    4     6     6     6     1-    3     0 
         120   150   180   180   180   120   130  -100 

   2>     4     7     4      -    2      -    4     6 
         150   210   150    90   130    90   150   180 

   3>     6-    4     0     1     4     2     4     6-
         620   170  -420  -140   170   130   170   620 

   4>     2-    2-    6     2-    0     2-    5     7 
        -100  -100   200  -100  -200  -100   110   620 

   5>      -    2-     -    5     2-    5     7     5 
        -660  -170  -660  -150  -170  -150  -130  -150 

   6>      -     -    7     6     4     2-    2-    5 
        -400  -400   150   100  -110  -300  -300    50 

   7>     2-    6     1     5     4     0     7     2-
        -100   110  -200   100  PASS  -300   140  -100 

   8>     0     5     5     3     7     2     1     5 
        -140    50    50   -50   110  -100  -110    50 

   9>     5-    3     0     3     3     1     7     5-
         600   150    90   150   150   140   630   600 

  10>     1-    4     0     1-    4     6     7     4 
         110   140   100   110   140   170   200   140 

  11>     3     6-    3     0     6-    3     3     3 
        -450  -200  -450  -590  -200  -450  -450  -450 

  12>     0     3-    1     6     3-    7     3-    3-
        -130  -100  -110   -50  -100   140  -100  -100 

  13>     1     6-    6-    1     1     4     4     4 
        -100   620   620  -100  -100   140   140   140 

  14>     5-    0     2-    5-    2-    5-    5-    1 
          50  -460  -400    50  -400    50    50  -420 

  15>     3     7     3     3      -    5-    5-     -
        -620  -100  -620  -620  -650  -130  -130  -650 

  16>     1-    4-    6     7     1-    1-    4-    1-
         140   170   200   620   140   140   170   140 

  17>     4     7     4     4     2     1     6     0 
         -50   300   -50   -50  -120  -430   150  -500 

  18>     1-    6     6     0     3-    3-    6     1-
        -200   -50   -50  -620  -150  -150   -50  -200 

  19>     6     7     3-    0     3-    1     3-    3-
        1370  1440   690   620   690   660   690   690 

  20>     1-    4     6-    6-    1-    1-    1-    5 
        -620  -170   200   200  -620  -620  -620   100 

  21>     5     3-    1     2     3-    0     6-    6-
         200   170   120   140   170   100   420   420 

  22>     6-    4     6-    2     4     1     4     0 
          50   -90    50  -100   -90  -120   -90  -200 

  23>     4-    4-    4-     -    7     2     4-     -
         130   130   130  -110   200   100   130  -110 

  24>     5-    5-    3-    3-    7     0     1-    1-
         430   430   400   400   460   120   180   180 

EVENT>Sat Morn 0-NLM Pairs     |SESSION>Only         |SECTION> X N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
DATE>March 1, 2014      |SANCTION>SN1403023 | 03/01/2014 13:16|EVENT CODE>0151
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,--- -----------------
CITY>Sturbridge MA   |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>   84.0 |TOP>   7 |MP LIMITS>500/300/125    |TOURN>Rainbow Weekend
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=8/B=6/C=2                       ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Anthony Soltis         James Kirschner          C   .     .     5   |   .     .     .     84.00  50.00  0.50(OC)

 2 Donald Muller          Betty Kerber             B   .     .     .   |   3     .     .     86.50  51.49  0.49(SA)

 3 Jane Verdrager         Rose Hanamoto            A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     84.50  50.30          

 4 Deborah Ouellette      Ron Wysk                 C   .     .     3   |   1     1     1     92.00  54.76  0.97(SA)

 5 Roger Zessis           Joanna Gleason           B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     73.50  43.75          

 6 Nora Schneider         Patricia Cotta           A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     84.00  50.00          

 7 Harold Salm            Donald Andersen          B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     80.50  47.92          

 8 Michael Williams       Harold Nordstrom         B   .     .     .   |   2     2     .     87.00  51.79  0.68(SA)

                                          Totals                                            672.00       

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8
   1>     5-    3-    7     1     5-    1     1     3-
        -150  -180  -120  -400  -150  -400  -400  -180 

   2>     1-    3-    1-    7     3-    6     5     0 
        -180  -150  -180   -90  -150  -120  -130  -200 

   3>     7     2     3     4      -    6     5      -
         170  -300  -100   -50  -620   140   100  -620 

   4>     2-    2-    6-    2-    6-    2-    0     5 
         100   100   200   100   200   100  -650   140 

   5>     2-    2-    2-    6-    2-    2-    2-    6-
         150   150   150   660   150   150   150   660 

   6>     5-    4     7     1     3     1     5-    1 
         200   130   430  -100   -50  -100   200  -100 

   7>     3-    1-    3-    6     1-    6     6     0 
        -120  -130  -120   100  -130   100   100  -600 

   8>     6     3-    3-    2     6     0     6     1 
         110   -50   -50   -90   110  -130   110  -100 

   9>     2     4-     -    4-    7     4-     -    4-
        -180  -110  -600  -110  -100  -110  -600  -110 

  10>     3     0     3     3     6     3     7     3 
        -140  -200  -140  -140  -110  -140  -100  -140 

  11>     6     6     1     6     4     1     1     3 
         450   450   170   450   420   170   170   200 

  12>     2-    1     4-    0     2-    4-    7     6 
          50   -90   100  -100    50   100   130   110 

  13>     5     5     1     5     1     5     1     5 
         100   100  -140   100  -140   100  -140   100 

  14>     1     4     4     2     6-    6-    0     4 
        -400   -50   -50  -100    50    50  -420   -50 

  15>     4-    2     4-    6-    1     3     0     6-
         620   150   620   650   130   170  -100   650 

  16>     0     5     5     2     2     2     5     7 
        -630  -140  -140  -170  -170  -170  -140   -50 

  17>     5-    3     3     7     1     5-    3     0 
          50   -50   -50   110  -120    50   -50  -150 

  18>      -    3     7     3      -    5     3     6 
         100   150   620   150   100   180   150   200 

  19>     1     3     4-    4-    0     2     6     7 
       -1370  -690  -660  -660 -1680  -720  -620   200 

  20>     6-    6-    2     3     4     1     0     5 
         620   620  -200  -100   110  -300  -400   200 

  21>     1-    7     3     5     1-    5     5     0 
        -420    50  -200  -170  -420  -170  -170 -1100 

  22>     6-    6-    0     3-    3-    3-    1     3-
          90    90  -130   -50   -50   -50   -90   -50 

  23>     3     3     3     7     0     6     3     3 
        -130  -130  -130   140  -200   110  -130  -130 

  24>     1-    4     4     0     4     1-    7     6 
        -430  -400  -400  -460  -400  -430  -150  -180 

EVENT>Sat Morn 0-NLM Pairs     |SESSION>Only         |SECTION> X E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
DATE>March 1, 2014      |SANCTION>SN1403023 | 03/01/2014 13:16|EVENT CODE>0151
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,--- -----------------
CITY>Sturbridge MA   |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>   84.0 |TOP>   7 |MP LIMITS>500/300/125    |TOURN>Rainbow Weekend
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=8/B=7/C=3                       ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Susan Goldberg         Robert Goldberg          C   .     .     .   |   .     .     1     78.50  46.73  0.57(SC)

 2 Jim Culhane            David Hogan              B   .     .     .   |   2     2     .     94.50  56.25  0.68(SA)

 3 Irene Rivers           Eric Vogel               A   .     .     .   |   3     .     .     87.50  52.08  0.49(SA)

 4 Don Sharp              Sheila Sharp             C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     77.00  45.83          

 5 Marshall Thomas        Robert Leese             B   .     .     .   |   .     3     .     82.50  49.11  0.43(SB)

 6 Gary Peterson          Dan Haggett              B  6/7    6     .   |   1     1     .     95.50  56.85  0.97(SA)

 7 Wally Anderson         Dorothy Anderson         C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     75.50  44.94          

 8 Elizabeth Grant        Michael Grant            B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     81.00  48.21          

                                          Totals                                            672.00       

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8
   1>     1-    1-    3-    6     0     6     6     3-
         150   150   180   400   120   400   400   180 

   2>     5-    3-    3-    1     5-    2     0     7 
         180   150   150   120   180   130    90   200 

   3>     0     6-    5     1     4     2     3     6-
        -170   620   300  -140   100  -100    50   620 

   4>      -    4-    4-     -    7     4-    2     4-
        -200  -100  -100  -200   650  -100  -140  -100 

   5>     4-    4-    4-    4-    4-     -     -    4-
        -150  -150  -150  -150  -150  -660  -660  -150 

   6>     4     3     6     0     1-    6     6     1-
          50  -130   100  -430  -200   100   100  -200 

   7>     5-    1     3-    1     1     7     3-    5-
         130  -100   120  -100  -100   600   120   130 

   8>     3-    7     3-    1     5     6     1     1 
          50   130    50  -110    90   100  -110  -110 

   9>     2-    2-    6-    6-    2-    2-    5     0 
         110   110   600   600   110   110   180   100 

  10>     4     4     0     4     4     4     1     7 
         140   140   100   140   140   140   110   200 

  11>     6     6     6     1     4     1     3     1 
        -170  -170  -170  -450  -200  -450  -420  -450 

  12>     2-    2-    0     7     1     4-    4-    6 
        -100  -100  -130   100  -110   -50   -50    90 

  13>     6     6     2     2     2     6     2     2 
         140   140  -100  -100  -100   140  -100  -100 

  14>     3     7     5     3     6      -    3      -
          50   420   100    50   400   -50    50   -50 

  15>     2-    7      -     -    2-    6     5     4 
        -620   100  -650  -650  -620  -130  -150  -170 

  16>     2     5     0     7     5     2     5     2 
         140   170    50   630   170   140   170   140 

  17>     4     0     7     1-    6     4     1-    4 
          50  -110   150   -50   120    50   -50    50 

  18>     4     4     1     6-    6-    4     2     0 
        -150  -150  -200  -100  -100  -150  -180  -620 

  19>     2-    0     6     7     4     5     2-    1 
         660  -200  1370  1680   690   720   660   620 

  20>     4     2      -    3      -    6     5     7 
         100  -200  -620  -110  -620   300   200   400 

  21>     2     7     5-    5-    0     2     4     2 
         170  1100   420   420   -50   170   200   170 

  22>     3-     -    3-     -    3-    7     6     3-
          50   -90    50   -90    50   130    90    50 

  23>     4     4     7     4     1     4     4     0 
         130   130   200   130  -110   130   130  -140 

  24>     1     5-    3     3     5-    3     0     7 
         180   430   400   400   430   400   150   460 

EVENT>Sat Morn 0-NLM Pairs     |SESSION>Only         |SECTION> Y N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
DATE>March 1, 2014      |SANCTION>SN1403023 | 03/01/2014 13:16|EVENT CODE>0151
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,--- -----------------
CITY>Sturbridge MA   |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>   84.0 |TOP>   7 |MP LIMITS>500/300/125    |TOURN>Rainbow Weekend
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=8/B=7/C=2                       ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Lydia Haley            Catherine Hillery        C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     79.21  47.15          

 2 Patricia Kelleher      Kathleen Aubrey          B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     74.71  44.47          

 3 Norm Morrison          Robert Howard            A   .     .     .   |   3     .     .     92.00  54.76  0.49(SA)

 4 Suzanne Leary          John Leary               C   .     .     2   |   2     2     1     92.93  55.32  1.19(OC)

 5 Zita Samuels           Lloyd Steger             B   3     3     .   |   1     1     .    103.71  61.73  2.07(OA)

 6 Trish Webb             Dean Dubofsky            B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     63.13  37.58          

 7 Kenneth Kaleita        Linda Kaleita            B   .     .     .   |   .     3     .     83.21  49.53  0.43(SB)

 8 Karl Richards          Barbara Richards         B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     82.21  48.93          

                                          Totals                                            671.11       

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8
   1>     7     2-    4-    2-    4-    0     6     1 
         -90  -180  -150  -180  -150  -460  -120  -430 

   2>     6     1-    7     4     0     1-    4     4 
        -100  -150   -90  -120  -180  -150  -120  -120 

   3>     3     5     2     7     5     5      -     -
         -50   140  -300   530   140   140  -620  -620 

   4>     0     6     6     3-    6     1-    3-    1-
        -650   100   100  -140   100  -620  -140  -620 

   5>     2-    1     6-    0     5     4     2-    6-
         150   130   660    50   630   180   150   660 

   6>     1     4-    1     7     4-    1     4-    4-
         -50   130   -50   150   130   -50   130   130 

   7>     1     6     4-    3     7     1     1     4-
        -600    90  -110  -140   100  -600  -600  -110 

   8>     5     7     6     2     3-    0     3-    1 
         100   140   110   -50    50  -500    50  -100 

   9>     6     1     4-    7     0     2     3     4-
        -110  -200  -120   -90  -600  -150  -140  -120 

  10>     0     4-    4-    4-    2     1     4-    7 
        -670  -140  -140  -140  -300  -500  -140  -100 

  11>     2-    1     6-    2-    4-    6-    4-    0 
         170   140   450   170   420   450   420   -50 

  12>     1     2-    4-    2-    7     6     0     4-
        -100    50   100    50   150   110  -110   100 

  13>     5     5     5     0     1-    1-    5     5 
         100   100   100  -620  -140  -140   100   100 

  14>     5     0     2-    2-    7     2-    2-    6 
         110  -300   -50   -50   460   -50   -50   400 

  15>     1     5     3     5     7     5     2     0 
         150   650   620   650   800   650   200   100 

  16>     4     2     5-    0     5-    2     2     7 
        -150  -170  -140  -180  -140  -170  -170   100 

  17>     6     2     0     1     7     4-    4-    3 
         100  -200  -490  -400   120    50    50  -100 

  18>   1.21  1.21    3-  6.93  1.21        5.21  5.21
          50    50   150   990    50    NP   200   200 

  19>     6     0     5     2-    2-    2-    7     2-
         100 -1440  -660  -690  -690  -690   400  -690 

  20>     6-    1-    0     3-    6-    1-    3-    5 
         620  -200  -300  -100   620  -200  -100   140 

  21>     0     2     1     5     7     5     5     3 
        -590  -400  -420  -170   100  -170  -170  -180 

  22>     3     3     6     7     3     0     3     3 
         -50   -50    90   100   -50  -100   -50   -50 

  23>     4-    4-    1     7     4-    4-    1     1 
        -100  -100  -130   110  -100  -100  -130  -130 

  24>     2     6     2     7     2     2     5     2 
        -430  -210  -430  -120  -430  -430  -400  -430 

EVENT>Sat Morn 0-NLM Pairs     |SESSION>Only         |SECTION> Y E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
DATE>March 1, 2014      |SANCTION>SN1403023 | 03/01/2014 13:16|EVENT CODE>0151
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,--- -----------------
CITY>Sturbridge MA   |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>   84.0 |TOP>   7 |MP LIMITS>500/300/125    |TOURN>Rainbow Weekend
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=8/B=7/C=4                       ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Lois Barbour           Paul Adler               C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     69.79  41.54          

 2 Joe Watts              Richard Tracy            C   .     .     4   |   2     2     1     91.07  54.21  0.68(SA)

 3 Raymond Mathieu        Lance Bukoff             A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     83.79  49.88          

 4 Judy Goff              Kathleen Fahey           C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     79.29  47.20          

 5 Bonnie Murphy          Jonathan Clark           B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     85.79  51.07          

 6 Joanne Megna-Wallace   Sheila Schofield         B   .     .     .   |   1     1     .     94.79  56.42  0.97(SA)

 7 Roberta Francis        Eileen Mandell           C   .     .     .   |   .     .     2     81.39  48.45  0.43(SC)

 8 JiTu Nathwani          Suresh Patel             B   .     .     .   |   3     3     .     86.00  51.19  0.49(SA)

                                          Totals                                            671.91       

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8
   1>     0     2-    4-    7     2-    1     4-    6 
          90   150   180   460   150   120   180   430 

   2>     1     7     5-    5-    0     3     3     3 
         100   180   150   150    90   120   120   120 

   3>     4     2     2     2     5     6-    0     6-
          50  -140  -140  -140   300   620  -530   620 

   4>     1     1     5-    1     3-    3-    5-    7 
        -100  -100   620  -100   140   140   620   650 

   5>     2     6     3      -    4-    7      -    4-
        -630  -130  -180  -660  -150   -50  -660  -150 

   6>     2-    2-    6     6     2-    0     2-    6 
        -130  -130    50    50  -130  -150  -130    50 

   7>     1     6     2-    6     4     2-    6     0 
         -90   600   110   600   140   110   600  -100 

   8>     0     7     1     3-    5     6     2     3-
        -140   500  -110   -50    50   100  -100   -50 

   9>     6     5     2-    4     0     2-    1     7 
         200   150   120   140    90   120   110   600 

  10>     6     2-    2-    2-    0     7     5     2-
         500   140   140   140   100   670   300   140 

  11>      -     -    2-    4-    7     4-    2-    6 
        -450  -450  -420  -170    50  -170  -420  -140 

  12>     1     2-    7     4-    2-    6     0     4-
        -110  -100   110   -50  -100   100  -150   -50 

  13>     2     2     7     2     2     5-    2     5-
        -100  -100   620  -100  -100   140  -100   140 

  14>     4-    4-    4-    1     2     0     7     4-
          50    50    50  -400  -110  -460   300    50 

  15>     4     5     2     7     6     0     2     2 
        -620  -200  -650  -100  -150  -800  -650  -650 

  16>     5     7     0     3     1-    5     5     1-
         170   180  -100   150   140   170   170   140 

  17>     2-    6     4     1     0     5     2-    7 
         -50   400   100  -100  -120   200   -50   490 

  18>   1.79  0.07  1.79  5.79  5.79  5.79          3-
        -200  -990  -200   -50   -50   -50    NP  -150 

  19>     4-    4-    1     4-    7     4-    2     0 
         690   690  -100   690  1440   690   660  -400 

  20>     3-    2      -     -    5-    5-    7     3-
         100  -140  -620  -620   200   200   300   100 

  21>     2     4     7     0     5     2     6     2 
         170   180   590  -100   400   170   420   170 

  22>     4     4     4     4     7     1     4     0 
          50    50    50    50   100   -90    50  -100 

  23>     6     2-    2-    2-    2-    6     6     0 
         130   100   100   100   100   130   130  -110 

  24>     5     5     5     1     5     5     2     0 
         430   430   430   210   430   430   400   120 

Back to top

EVENT>Sat Aft 0-NLM Pairs      |SESSION>Only         |SECTION> W N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
DATE>March 1, 2014      |SANCTION>SN1403023 | 03/01/2014 17:17|EVENT CODE>0152
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,--- -----------------
CITY>Sturbridge MA   |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>   84.0 |TOP>   7 |MP LIMITS>NLM/300/100    |TOURN>Rainbow Weekend
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=8/B=6/C=2                       ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Anthony Soltis         James Kirschner          C   .     .     2   |   3     2     1     91.43  54.42  1.02(OC)

 2 Gary Peterson          Dan Haggett              B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     73.00  43.45          

 3 Emily Marcus           Eric Throop              A   .     .     .   |   2     .     .     95.29  56.72  0.68(SA)

 4 Lydia Haley            Catherine Hillery        C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     83.79  49.88          

 5 Robert Leese           Marshall Thomas          B   .     6     .   |   1     1     .     97.57  58.08  0.97(SA)

 6 Nora Schneider         Patricia Cotta           A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     87.79  52.26          

 7 Roger Bell             Dana Kramer              B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     72.14  42.94          

 8 Sharra Canan           Marsha Addis             B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     70.43  41.92          

                                          Totals                                            671.44       

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8
   1>     3     6-    6-    3     3     3     3     0 
        -430  -400  -400  -430  -430  -430  -430  -460 

   2>     5-    5-    3      -    5-    5-     -    2 
         680   680   650   200   680   680   200   230 

   3>     5     5     1     0     2     5     5     5 
         100   100  -620  -650  -170   100   100   100 

   4>     1     0     4     7     4     6     2     4 
         100  -140   650  1100   650   680   620   650 

   5>     0     1     5     7     5     2-    2-    5 
        -400  -300  -100    50  -100  -200  -200  -100 

   6>     6     6     6     0     1-    3-    1-    3-
         150   150   150  -620   100   130   100   130 

   7>     7     0     6     3-    2     5     1     3-
         210  -200   180   130   120   150   110   130 

   8>     7     5     0     2     2     5     5     2 
          50   -50  -200  -100  -100   -50   -50  -100 

   9>     5     5     5      -    2     5     5      -
         140   140   140   -50   110   140   140   -50 

  10>     2-    5-    7     2-    0     5-    2-    2-
        -600  -110   -90  -600  -690  -110  -600  -600 

  11>     1     2-    2-    6     7     0     4     5 
        -100   -50   -50   150   400  -150    50   100 

  12>      -     -    5-    7     4     5-    2-    2-
        -420  -420   100   150  -110   100  -140  -140 

  13>     1     1     5     1     7     3-    3-    6 
         -90   -90   100   -90   400  PASS  PASS   200 

  14>     5      -    2-    7     2-     -    6     4 
        -110  -180  -150   -50  -150  -180  -100  -130 

  15>     0     5     3     6-    6-    3     3     1 
        -400   110    90   130   130    90    90  -100 

  16>     5     5     5     1     3     0     7     2 
         430   430   430    90   400   -50   460   140 

  17>   6.93    3-  1.79  5.79  0.07  1.79  4.64      
          50  -150  -450  PASS  -480  -450   -50    NP 

  18>     4-    1-    4-    1-    7     4-    4-    0 
         660   630   660   630   690   660   660  -300 

  19>     6-    2     1     6-    3-    3-    0     5 
        -200  -660  -690  -200  -650  -650 -1430  -630 

  20>     5     2     1     3     5     7     0     5 
         140  -100  -110   100   140   200  -200   140 

  21>     7     2-    5-    0     5-    2-    2-    2-
         690   170   620   140   620   170   170   170 

  22>     3-    3-    6-    0     6-    3-    3-    1 
         140   140   170  -100   170   140   140   -50 

  23>     2     4     4     7     6     1     0     4 
        -200  -150  -150  -100  -130  -300  -400  -150 

  24>     1-    0     4     5-    7     5-    3     1-
         120   -90   150   170   400   170   140   120 

EVENT>Sat Aft 0-NLM Pairs      |SESSION>Only         |SECTION> W E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
DATE>March 1, 2014      |SANCTION>SN1403023 | 03/01/2014 17:17|EVENT CODE>0152
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,--- -----------------
CITY>Sturbridge MA   |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>   84.0 |TOP>   7 |MP LIMITS>NLM/300/100    |TOURN>Rainbow Weekend
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=8/B=7/C=2                       ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Joyce Leary            Patricia Dowling         C   .     .     .   |   .     .     1     80.36  47.83  0.51(SC)

 2 Jack Linn              Art Keppelman            B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     80.21  47.74          

 3 Cynthia Gibson         Simon Zimmerman          A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     60.00  35.71          

 4 Suzanne Leary          John Leary               C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     64.07  38.14          

 5 Betty Kerber           Donald Muller            B   4     3     .   |   2     2     .    102.93  61.27  1.76(OB)

 6 Joe Watts              Richard Tracy            B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     82.00  48.81          

 7 Zita Samuels           Lloyd Steger             B   .     .     .   |   3     3     .     95.21  56.67  0.49(SA)

 8 James Osten            JiTu Nathwani            B   2     2     .   |   1     1     .    106.21  63.22  2.84(OA)

                                          Totals                                            670.99       

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8
   1>     4     4      -    4      -    4     4     7 
         430   430   400   430   400   430   430   460 

   2>     1-    1-    1-    1-    4     6-    6-    5 
        -680  -680  -680  -680  -650  -200  -200  -230 

   3>     2     5     2     2     6     2     7     2 
        -100   170  -100  -100   620  -100   650  -100 

   4>     3     7     1     3     5     0     3     6 
        -650   140  -680  -650  -620 -1100  -650  -100 

   5>     2     6     4-    2     4-    0     2     7 
         100   300   200   100   200   -50   100   400 

   6>     5-    1     3-    1     5-    7     3-    1 
        -100  -150  -130  -150  -100   620  -130  -150 

   7>     7     2     1     6     3-    3-    0     5 
         200  -150  -180  -110  -130  -130  -210  -120 

   8>     2     2     7     2     5     5     0     5 
          50    50   200    50   100   100   -50   100 

   9>     2     2     2     2     6-    6-    2     5 
        -140  -140  -140  -140    50    50  -140  -110 

  10>     1-    0     4-    4-    4-    4-    7     1-
         110    90   600   600   600   600   690   110 

  11>     7     4-    3     1     2     6     0     4-
         150    50   -50  -150  -100   100  -400    50 

  12>     1-    1-    4-    0     4-    6-    3     6-
        -100  -100   140  -150   140   420   110   420 

  13>     2     3-    6     1     6     0     6     3-
        -100  PASS    90  -200    90  -400    90  PASS 

  14>     4-    1     0     3     2     4-    6-    6-
         150   100    50   130   110   150   180   180 

  15>     4     4      -    6     7      -    2     4 
         -90   -90  -130   100   400  -130  -110   -90 

  16>     0     6     5     2     4     2     7     2 
        -460   -90  -140  -430  -400  -430    50  -430 

  17>   2.36  1.21        0.07  6.93    3-  5.21  5.21
          50  PASS    NP   -50   480   150   450   450 

  18>     2-    5-    7     2-    0     5-    2-    2-
        -660  -630   300  -660  -690  -630  -660  -660 

  19>      -    2      -    3-    5     3-    6     7 
         200   630   200   650   660   650   690  1430 

  20>     4     2     2     2     5     0     6     7 
        -100  -140  -140  -140   100  -200   110   200 

  21>     7     4-    0     1-    4-    4-    1-    4-
        -140  -170  -690  -620  -170  -170  -620  -170 

  22>     6     3-     -    3-    3-     -    3-    7 
          50  -140  -170  -140  -140  -170  -140   100 

  23>     3     5     1     3     6     3     7     0 
         150   200   130   150   300   150   400   100 

  24>     5-    5-    0     7     1-    3     4     1-
        -120  -120  -400    90  -170  -150  -140  -170 

EVENT>Sat Aft 0-NLM Pairs      |SESSION>Only         |SECTION> X N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
DATE>March 1, 2014      |SANCTION>SN1403023 | 03/01/2014 17:17|EVENT CODE>0152
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,--- -----------------
CITY>Sturbridge MA   |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>   84.0 |TOP>   7 |MP LIMITS>NLM/300/100    |TOURN>Rainbow Weekend
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=8/B=6/C=2                       ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Marcia Kelley          John Kelley              C   .     .     .   |   .     .     1     80.50  47.92  0.51(SC)

 2 Joanne Megna-Wallace   Sheila Schofield         B  5/6   4/5    .   |  1/2   1/2    .    100.50  59.82  1.16(OB)

 3 Norm Morrison          Robert Howard            A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     86.00  51.19          

 4 Lucinda Stebbins       Elaine Gelinas Gray      C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     77.50  46.13          

 5 Bonnie Murphy          Randall Murphy           B  5/6   4/5    .   |  1/2   1/2    .    100.50  59.82  1.16(OB)

 6 Nancy Madden           Sheila Barton            A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     54.00  32.14          

 7 Harold Salm            Donald Andersen          B   .     .     .   |   3     .     .     87.00  51.79  0.49(SA)

 8 Elizabeth Gompels      Janine Corwin            B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     86.00  51.19          

                                          Totals                                            672.00       

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8
   1>     5      -    2-     -    5     2-    5     7 
        -400  -460  -430  -460  -400  -430  -400    50 

   2>     2     5      -     -    6-    4     3     6-
         620   800   500   500  1430   680   650  1430 

   3>     2     5-    2     0     5-    2     5-    5-
         100   200   100  -620   200   100   200   200 

   4>     5     1-    7     5     3     5     0     1-
         620   200   650   620   500   620   100   200 

   5>     3     3     3      -    6-     -    5     6-
        -100  -100  -100  -200   110  -200   -80   110 

   6>     1     7     5     1     3-    3-    6     1 
         100   550   150   100   130   130   200   100 

   7>     7     3-    5     6      -     -    3-    2 
         210   150   180   200   110   110   150   120 

   8>     0     6     1-    6     3-    1-    3-    6 
        -800    50  -100    50   -50  -100   -50    50 

   9>     4     2     5-    7     5-    2     2     0 
         110   -50   140   530   140   -50   -50  -100 

  10>     4     5     2     2     7     6     2     0 
        -150  -110  -600  -600   200   -90  -600  -660 

  11>     6     5     1     2-    7     0     4     2-
         200   130  -170   -50   400  -500    50   -50 

  12>     2-    2-    0     6-    6-    5     2-    2-
        -170  -170  -420   100   100    50  -170  -170 

  13>     3-    3-     -     -    3-    3-    6-    6-
         100   100  PASS  PASS   100   100   200   200 

  14>     2     5-    5-    1     0     4     3     7 
        -130    50    50  -180  -430  -100  -110   110 

  15>     3     3     7     1     6     0     3     5 
         100   100   150  -100   130  -400   100   110 

  16>     5     7     1     4     3     1     6     1 
         400   430   -50   140   130   -50   420   -50 

  17>     5     6     7     3     1-    1-    0     4 
        -150  -140   -50  -200  -450  -450  -480  -170 

  18>     5-    1     7     3     3     0     5-    3 
         660   600   690   630   630  -100   660   630 

  19>     2     7     4     0     4     1     6     4 
        -660   100  -650  -690  -650  -680  -620  -650 

  20>     2     6-    0     5     6-    1     3-    3-
        -130   140  -500   100   140  -200  -100  -100 

  21>     0     4-    7     3     6     1     2     4-
        -100   650   790   620   680   140   200   650 

  22>     3     3     7     6     0     3     3     3 
         -50   -50   420   170  -140   -50   -50   -50 

  23>     4-    1-    1-    6-    1-    4-    6-    1-
        -150  -200  -200  -130  -200  -150  -130  -200 

  24>     3-    5-    3-    7     5-    1     0     2 
         120   140   120   400   140   -50  -100   100 

EVENT>Sat Aft 0-NLM Pairs      |SESSION>Only         |SECTION> X E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
DATE>March 1, 2014      |SANCTION>SN1403023 | 03/01/2014 17:17|EVENT CODE>0152
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,--- -----------------
CITY>Sturbridge MA   |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>   84.0 |TOP>   7 |MP LIMITS>NLM/300/100    |TOURN>Rainbow Weekend
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=8/B=6/C=2                       ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Deborah Ouellette      Ron Wysk                 C   .     .     .   |   .     .     1     84.50  50.30  0.51(SC)

 2 Michael Ramella        Alan Peterfreund         B   .     .     .   |   .     2     .     87.00  51.79  0.57(SB)

 3 Raymond Mathieu        Lance Bukoff             A   3     .     .   |   1     .     .    106.00  63.10  2.13(OA)

 4 Barbara Johnson        Elizabeth Scully         C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     64.00  38.10          

 5 Michael Williams       Harold Nordstrom         B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     85.50  50.89          

 6 Rose Hanamoto          Jane Verdrager           A   .     .     .   |   3     .     .     89.00  52.98  0.49(SA)

 7 Roberta Francis        Eileen Mandell           B   .     .     .   |   2     1     .     91.50  54.46  0.81(SB)

 8 Don Sharp              Sheila Sharp             B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     64.50  38.39          

                                          Totals                                            672.00       

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8
   1>     2     2     6-    4-    4-    2     6-    0 
         400   400   460   430   430   400   460   -50 

   2>     5      -    2     3     6-    4     6-     -
        -620 -1430  -800  -680  -500  -650  -500 -1430 

   3>     5     1-    1-    5     5     1-    7     1-
        -100  -200  -200  -100  -100  -200   620  -200 

   4>     4     5-    2     0     7     2     5-    2 
        -500  -200  -620  -650  -100  -620  -200  -620 

   5>      -    4     6-    4     2     6-     -    4 
        -110   100   200   100    80   200  -110   100 

   6>     3-    0     3-    2     1     6     6     6 
        -130  -550  -130  -150  -200  -100  -100  -100 

   7>     3-    6-    2     3-    1     5     0     6-
        -150  -110  -180  -150  -200  -120  -210  -110 

   8>     1     5-    5-    3-    1     1     7     3-
         -50   100   100    50   -50   -50   800    50 

   9>     5     5     1-    5     0     7     3     1-
          50    50  -140    50  -530   100  -110  -140 

  10>     1     5     5     5     7     3     0     2 
          90   600   600   600   660   150  -200   110 

  11>     7     6     3     4-    4-    1     0     2 
         500   170   -50    50    50  -200  -400  -130 

  12>     2     7     4-     -    4-    4-     -    4-
         -50   420   170  -100   170   170  -100   170 

  13>     6-     -    6-     -    3-    3-    3-    3-
        PASS  -200  PASS  -200  -100  -100  -100  -100 

  14>     1-    4     6     0     5     7     1-    3 
         -50   110   180  -110   130   430   -50   100 

  15>     0     4     6     2     4     1     4     7 
        -150  -100   100  -110  -100  -130  -100   400 

  16>     1     3     6     2     4     0     6     6 
        -420  -140    50  -400  -130  -430    50    50 

  17>     7     4     3     2     5-    1     5-    0 
         480   200   170   150   450   140   450    50 

  18>     1-    4     4     1-    4     6     7     0 
        -660  -630  -630  -660  -630  -600   100  -690 

  19>     7     3     5     3     0     6     3     1 
         690   650   660   650  -100   680   650   620 

  20>     2     3-    5      -     -    6     7     3-
        -100   100   130  -140  -140   200   500   100 

  21>     4     2-    7     1     2-    6     0     5 
        -620  -650   100  -680  -650  -140  -790  -200 

  22>     4     4     7     4     4     0     4     1 
          50    50   140    50    50  -420    50  -170 

  23>     5-    2-    5-    5-    2-    5-     -     -
         200   150   200   200   150   200   130   130 

  24>     5     3-    1-    1-    6     3-    7     0 
        -100  -120  -140  -140    50  -120   100  -400 

EVENT>Sat Aft 0-NLM Pairs      |SESSION>Only         |SECTION> Y N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
DATE>March 1, 2014      |SANCTION>SN1403023 | 03/01/2014 17:17|EVENT CODE>0152
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,--- -----------------
CITY>Sturbridge MA   |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>   84.0 |TOP>   7 |MP LIMITS>NLM/300/100    |TOURN>Rainbow Weekend
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=9/B=8/C=1                       ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Timothy Pettus         Thomas Greehan III       A   .     .     .   |   2     .     .     98.50  58.63  0.72(SA)

 2 Patricia Kelleher      Kathleen Aubrey          B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     67.50  40.18          

 3 Michael Howard         Leonard Strang           B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     84.50  50.30          

 4 Jim Culhane            David Hogan              B   .     .     .   |   4     3     .     89.00  52.98  0.46(SB)

 5 Richard Verrill        Norma Verrill            B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     66.00  39.29          

 6 Suresh Patel           Elizabeth Wood           C   1     1     1   |   1     1     .    107.00  63.69  3.79(OA)

 7 Michael Grant          Elizabeth Grant          B   .     .     .   |   3     2     .     94.50  56.25  0.64(SB)

 8 Kenneth Kaleita        Linda Kaleita            B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     81.00  48.21          

 9 Roger Zessis           Joanna Gleason           B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     68.00  40.48          

                                          Totals                                            756.00       

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9
   1>     7           2     5     5     2     0     5     2 
          50   ---- -430  -400  -400  -430  -460  -400  -430 

   2>     3           3     3     7     3     3     3     3 
         680   ----  680   680   800   680   680   680   680 

   3>     4           2     3     0     5-    5-    7     1 
        -140   ---- -200  -170  -650   100   100   200  -620 

   4>     1     7           4-    0     4-    6     3     2 
         300   680   ----  620  -100   620   650   500   400 

   5>     5-    3-          1     1     7     5-    1     3-
        -100  -120   ---- -200  -200   110  -100  -200  -120 

   6>     6-    3-          5     2     1     6-    0     3-
         400   130   ----  150   100   -50   400  -620   130 

   7>     3     0     3           1     6     6     3     6 
         150   110   150   ----  130   600   600   150   600 

   8>     6     3-    1-          0     5     3-    1-    7 
         100   -50  -100   ---- -150    50   -50  -100   150 

   9>     5-    1-    5-          1-    1-    1-    5-    5-
         140   -50   140   ----  -50   -50   -50   140   140 

  10>     2     5-    0     7           2     5-    2     4 
        -600  -110  -720   100   ---- -600  -110  -600  -150 

  11>     7     6     3      -          4      -    5     2 
         400   200   100   -50   ----  130   -50   150    50 

  12>      -    2     6-    4           6-    4     4      -
        -420  -170   100  -140   ----  100  -140  -140  -420 

  13>     4-    2-    0     2-    6           4-    7     1 
         100  PASS  -110  PASS   110   ----  100   200   -90 

  14>     5      -    6     3     7           3     3      -
        -100  -430   -50  -130   100   ---- -130  -130  -430 

  15>     4     2     6     0     1           3     5     7 
          50  -110   110  -200  -140   ---- -100   100   120 

  16>     5      -    2-    6-    4     6-           -    2-
         420   110   130   430   210   430   ----  110   130 

  17>     3-    2      -     -    6-    6-          3-    5 
        -150  -170  -480  -480   110   110   ---- -150  -100 

  18>     5-    3     3     5-    7     3           0     1 
         660   630   630   660   690   630   ----  170   600 

  19>     4-    4-    4-    4-    4-    1     4-          0 
        -650  -650  -650  -650  -650  -680  -650   -----1430 

  20>     3     0     7     6     3     3     3           3 
         140  -100   300   200   140   140   140   ----  140 

  21>     3     2     6-    6-    0     4     5           1 
         500   200   650   650  -100   600   620   ----  170 

  22>     6     1     0     3-    2     6     6     3-      
         170   100  -100   140   110   170   170   140   ----

  23>     1-    4     4     0     4     6-    6-    1-      
        -200  -150  -150  -800  -150  -100  -100  -200   ----

  24>     2     6     6     3-    0     6     3-    1       
         120   170   170   140   -50   170   140   110   ----

  25>           4-    7     4-    1     4-    1     4-    1 
         ---- -200   400  -200  -650  -200  -650  -200  -650 

  26>           2-     -    2-     -    6     5     7     4 
         ---- -300  -400  -300  -400   -90  -100   110  -200 

  27>           0     4-    7     2     6     2     4-    2 
         ---- -100    50   110  PASS    90  PASS    50  PASS 

EVENT>Sat Aft 0-NLM Pairs      |SESSION>Only         |SECTION> Y E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
DATE>March 1, 2014      |SANCTION>SN1403023 | 03/01/2014 17:17|EVENT CODE>0152
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,--- -----------------
CITY>Sturbridge MA   |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>   84.0 |TOP>   7 |MP LIMITS>NLM/300/100    |TOURN>Rainbow Weekend
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=9/B=8/C=3                       ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Paul Adler             Lois Barbour             C   .     .     3   |   3     3     1     90.00  53.57  0.77(OC)

 2 Judy Goff              Kathleen Fahey           B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     85.50  50.89          

 3 Rubin Gruber           Bob Sanzo                B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     81.50  48.51          

 4 Karl Richards          Barbara Richards         B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     76.00  45.24          

 5 Anne McCune            James Nowill             B   .     .     .   |   1     1     .     95.50  56.85  1.03(SA)

 6 Carol Parsons          Priscilla Lindhout       C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     60.00  35.71          

 7 Trish Webb             Dean Dubofsky            B   .     .     .   |   2     2     .     92.00  54.76  0.72(SA)

 8 Eric Vogel             Irene Rivers             A   .     .     .   |   4     .     .     89.00  52.98  0.36(SA)

 9 Mayank Mehta           Aarati Mehta             C   .     .     4   |   .     .     .     86.50  51.49  0.57(OC)

                                          Totals                                            756.00       

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9
   1>     0     5           7     5     2     2     5     2 
         -50   430   ----  460   430   400   400   430   400 

   2>     4     4           4     4     4     4     4     0 
        -680  -680   ---- -680  -680  -680  -680  -680  -800 

   3>     3     1-          1-    5     0     4     6     7 
         140  -100   ---- -100   200  -200   170   620   650 

   4>     2-    0     1           4     2-    5     7     6 
        -620  -680  -650   ---- -500  -620  -400   100  -300 

   5>     0     3-    1-          6     6     3-    6     1-
        -110   120   100   ----  200   200   120   200   100 

   6>     6     3-     -          7     2     3-    5      -
          50  -130  -400   ----  620  -150  -130  -100  -400 

   7>     7     1     4     4           1     6     4     1 
        -110  -600  -150  -150   ---- -600  -130  -150  -600 

   8>     3-    3-    5-    5-          0     7     1     2 
          50    50   100   100   ---- -150   150  -100   -50 

   9>     5-    5-    1-    1-          1-    5-    1-    5-
          50    50  -140  -140   ---- -140    50  -140    50 

  10>     1-    7     5     0     3           5     5     1-
         110   720   600  -100   150   ----  600   600   110 

  11>     6-    4     2     6-    5           0     3     1 
          50  -100  -150    50   -50   ---- -400  -130  -200 

  12>     3      -    3     3     6-          6-     -    5 
         140  -100   140   140   420   ----  420  -100   170 

  13>     7     0     4-    6     1     2-          4-    2-
         110  -200  PASS    90  -110  -100   ---- PASS  -100 

  14>     1     4     4     6-    0     2           6-    4 
          50   130   130   430  -100   100   ----  430   130 

  15>     1     2     7     0     6     3           5     4 
        -110  -100   200  -120   140   -50   ----  110   100 

  16>     6-     -    4-    3     2      -    6-          4-
        -110  -430  -130  -210  -420  -430  -110   ---- -130 

  17>     3-    6-    2      -    3-     -    5           6-
         150   480   100  -110   150  -110   170   ----  480 

  18>     7     1-    6     0     1-    4     4           4 
        -170  -660  -600  -690  -660  -630  -630   ---- -630 

  19>     2-    7     2-    2-    6     2-    2-    2-      
         650  1430   650   650   680   650   650   650   ----

  20>     1     4     4     4     4     7     4     0       
        -200  -140  -140  -140  -140   100  -140  -300   ----

  21>      -    6     7     4     3     5     2      -      
        -650  -170   100  -500  -600  -200  -620  -650   ----

  22>           5     1     1     6     1     7     3-    3-
         ---- -110  -170  -170  -100  -170   100  -140  -140 

  23>           3     5-     -    3      -    3     5-    7 
         ----  150   200   100   150   100   150   200   800 

  24>           7     5     1     1     3-    1     6     3-
         ----   50  -120  -170  -170  -140  -170  -110  -140 

  25>     6           2-    2-    6     0     2-    2-    6 
         650   ----  200   200   650  -400   200   200   650 

  26>     6-          1     4-    2     6-    0     4-    3 
         400   ----   90   300   100   400  -110   300   200 

  27>     5           1     7     5     2-    2-    0     5 
        PASS   ----  -90   100  PASS   -50   -50  -110  PASS 

Back to top

EVENT>Sat Eve 0-NLM Pairs      |SESSION>Only         |SECTION> Y N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
DATE>March 1, 2014      |SANCTION>SN1403023 | 03/01/2014 22:22|EVENT CODE>0153
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,--- -----------------
CITY>Sturbridge MA   |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>   84.0 |TOP>   7 |MP LIMITS>NLM/300/100    |TOURN>Rainbow Weekend
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=9/B=7/C=2                       ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Gary Peterson          Dan Haggett              B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     71.50  42.56          

 2 Patricia Cotta         Nora Schneider           A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     67.00  39.88          

 3 Richard Verrill        Norma Verrill            B   5     4     .   |   3     2     .     94.00  55.95  0.77(OB)

 4 Lydia Haley            Catherine Hillery        C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     68.00  40.48          

 5 Sharra Canan           Marsha Addis             B   .     5     .   |   4     3     .     90.00  53.57  0.58(OB)

 6 Kenneth Kaleita        Linda Kaleita            B   3     3     .   |   1     1     .     99.50  59.23  1.16(OA)

 7 Alexander Frieden      Jeffrey Frieden          C   .     .     .   |   .     .     1     83.00  49.40  0.51(SC)

 8 Norm Morrison          Robert Howard            A   4     .     .   |   2     .     .     96.00  57.14  0.87(OA)

 9 Bonnie Murphy          Randall Murphy           B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     87.00  51.79          

                                          Totals                                            756.00       

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9
   1>      -          6     2     6      -    6     3-    3-
         -50   ----  150    90   150   -50   150   120   120 

   2>     1           4     1     4     1     4     6-    6-
        -590   ----  650  -590   650  -590   650   680   680 

   3>     2-           -     -    6     2-    5     7     4 
        -620   ---- -650  -650   110  -620   100   400  -100 

   4>     1     1           1     5-    5-    3     5-    5-
        -140  -140   ---- -140   100   100  -110   100   100 

   5>     7     3-          3-    3-    3-    3-    0     3-
        -200  -450   ---- -450  -450  -450  -450  -460  -450 

   6>     3     3           5-     -    7     5-    3      -
        -620  -620   ---- -200  -650  -170  -200  -620  -650 

   7>     0     2     5-          7     3-    3-    5-    1 
        -660  -600   100   ----  200  -140  -140   100  -630 

   8>     4     4     6           1-    1-    7     4     0 
        -450  -450   -50   ---- -480  -480   590  -450  -510 

   9>     2-    0     2-          6     6     6     2-    2-
         420   140   420   ----  450   450   450   420   420 

  10>     4     1     6-    2           4     0     6-    4 
         650  -200   680   620   ----  650  -300   680   650 

  11>     2     4-    6-    4-          6-    0     2     2 
        -460  -450  -200  -450   ---- -200  -480  -460  -460 

  12>     2-    5     6-    2-          0     1     6-    4 
         200   620   650   200   ----  100   170   650   300 

  13>     3-    3-    3-    3-    3-          3-    3-    3-
         660   660   660   660   660   ----  660   660   660 

  14>     2     2     0     5-    2           5-    5-    5-
        -430  -430  -460  -400  -430   ---- -400  -400  -400 

  15>     6     1-    4     0     1-          4     4     7 
        -100  -170  -140  -200  -170   ---- -140  -140   110 

  16>     5      -     -    2     5     3           5     7 
         450   -50   -50   140   450   420   ----  450   510 

  17>     1     3-    6     1     6     3-          1     6 
        -450  -200  -170  -450  -170  -200   ---- -450  -170 

  18>     5     0     6-    3     4     6-          1-    1-
         620    50   650   200   300   650   ----  100   100 

  19>     1     3     7     1     4     5     6           1 
        -100   -50   300  -100    90   110   150   ---- -100 

  20>     4-    6     0     4-    3     7     2           1 
         200   400  -140   200   100   500  -110   ---- -120 

  21>     2     2     2     5     6-    2     2           6-
         150   150   150   170   630   150   150   ----  630 

  22>     3-    3-    3-    0     1     7     3-    6       
         110   110   110  -100   100   300   110   140   ----

  23>     2     6     2     6     2     6     2     2       
        -100   140  -100   140  -100   140  -100  -100   ----

  24>     6     3     0     3     6     6     1     3       
         110   -50  -200   -50   110   110  -100   -50   ----

  25>           1     6     4-    4-    3     1     1     7 
         ----  -50   150   120   120   110   -50   -50   400 

  26>           1-    4     6-    0     6-    4     4     1-
         ---- -600   100   200  -630   200   100   100  -600 

  27>           6     5     0     1     2-    4     7     2-
         ----  -50  -140  -590  -300  -170  -150    50  -170 

EVENT>Sat Eve 0-NLM Pairs      |SESSION>Only         |SECTION> Y E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
DATE>March 1, 2014      |SANCTION>SN1403023 | 03/01/2014 22:22|EVENT CODE>0153
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,--- -----------------
CITY>Sturbridge MA   |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>   84.0 |TOP>   7 |MP LIMITS>NLM/300/100    |TOURN>Rainbow Weekend
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=9/B=8/C=3                       ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Anne McCune            James Nowill             B   1     1     .   |   1     1     .    110.00  65.48  2.06(OA)

 2 Jane Verdrager         Rose Hanamoto            A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     84.00  50.00          

 3 Jack Linn              Art Keppelman            B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     66.50  39.58          

 4 Joyce Leary            Patricia Dowling         C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     66.00  39.29          

 5 Joe Watts              Richard Tracy            B   .     .     .   |   4     .     .     85.50  50.89  0.36(SA)

 6 Janine Corwin          Elizabeth Gompels        B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     80.50  47.92          

 7 Jolyon Bloomfield      Neva Durand              C   2     2     1   |   2     2     1    100.50  59.82  1.55(OA)

 8 Mayank Mehta           Aarati Mehta             C   .     .     2   |   3     3     .     89.50  53.27  0.83(OC)

 9 Patricia Kelleher      Kathleen Aubrey          B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     73.50  43.75          

                                          Totals                                            756.00       

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9
   1>     6-    6-          1     1     3-    5     3-    1 
          50    50   ---- -150  -150  -120   -90  -120  -150 

   2>     6     6           3     3      -    6      -    3 
         590   590   ---- -650  -650  -680   590  -680  -650 

   3>     4-    4-          2     6-    0     6-    3     1 
         620   620   ---- -100   650  -400   650   100  -110 

   4>     1-    6     4           1-    6     1-    1-    6 
        -100   140   110   ---- -100   140  -100  -100   140 

   5>     3-    3-    3-          7     3-    3-    3-    0 
         450   450   450   ----  460   450   450   450   200 

   6>     0     4     1-          4     1-    6-    6-    4 
         170   620   200   ----  620   200   650   650   620 

   7>     5     3-    1-    1-          6     0     7     3-
         600   140  -100  -100   ----  630  -200   660   140 

   8>     3     0     1     3           7     5-    3     5-
         450  -590    50   450   ----  510   480   450   480 

   9>     7     1     4-    4-          4-    1     4-    1 
        -140  -450  -420  -420   ---- -420  -450  -420  -450 

  10>     7      -     -    5     3           3     3     6 
         300  -680  -680  -620  -650   ---- -650  -650   200 

  11>     7      -    5     2-    5           5      -    2-
         480   200   460   450   460   ----  460   200   450 

  12>     6      -     -    4-    3           4-    7     2 
        -170  -650  -650  -200  -300   ---- -200  -100  -620 

  13>     3-    3-    3-    3-    3-    3-          3-    3-
        -660  -660  -660  -660  -660  -660   ---- -660  -660 

  14>     7     1-    1-    1-    5     5           5     1-
         460   400   400   400   430   430   ----  430   400 

  15>     3     3     7     0     5-    1           5-    3 
         140   140   200  -110   170   100   ----  170   140 

  16>     2     5     0     2     2     4     6-          6-
        -450  -140  -510  -450  -450  -420    50   ----   50 

  17>     6     6     1     1     6     3-    3-          1 
         450   450   170   170   450   200   200   ----  170 

  18>     5-    4     5-    3     2      -    7            -
        -100  -200  -100  -300  -620  -650   -50   ---- -650 

  19>     6     6     3     6     2     4     1     0       
         100   100   -90   100  -110    50  -150  -300   ----

  20>     2-    6     4     2-    0     1     5     7       
        -200   120  -100  -200  -500  -400   110   140   ----

  21>     2      -     -    5     5     5     5     5       
        -170  -630  -630  -150  -150  -150  -150  -150   ----

  22>           6     3-    0     3-    3-    3-    1     7 
         ---- -100  -110  -300  -110  -110  -110  -140   100 

  23>           5     5     1     1     5     5     5     1 
         ----  100   100  -140  -140   100   100   100  -140 

  24>           1     1     1     4     6     7     4     4 
         ---- -110  -110  -110    50   100   200    50    50 

  25>     2-          4     6     6     1     6     2-    0 
        -120   ---- -110    50    50  -150    50  -120  -400 

  26>     7            -    5-    3     3     3      -    5-
         630   ---- -200   600  -100  -100  -100  -200   600 

  27>     6           4-    1     3     2     0     7     4-
         300   ----  170    50   150   140   -50   590   170 

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EVENT>GNT D25 Championship Flt                                        |Page> 1
------------------------,---------------------,-----------------,----- ---------
DATE>March 1, 2014      |SANCTION>GT1403024   | 03/02/2014 16:15|EVENT CODE>GNTO
---------------------,-- --------------------- -----------,----- ---------------
CITY>Sturbridge MA   |RATING>Regional                     |GAME>VICTORY POINT
----------,---------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
ROUNDS> 9 |BDS/RD>  7 |MP LIMITS>None           |TOURN>D25 GNT District Finals
---------- ----------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
TEAMS>  10
                          | Master |                      | Master |         |       | Overall |
 No Name                  | Points |Name                  | Points |    Wins | Score |   Rank  |
-------------------------- -------- ---------------------- -------- --------- ------- --------- 
    William Braucher        1.44Red|Glenn McIntyre          1.44Red|         |
    Billerica MA                   |Bedford MA                     |         |
  1 Kevin O'Donnell         1.44Red|Alan Watson             1.44Red|     4   |  89.00       
    Lynnfield MA                   |Lexington MA                   |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    Melvin Marcus           1.08Red|Luke Gillespie          1.08Red|         |
    Waltham MA                     |Wayland MA                     |         |
  2 Lloyd Arvedon           1.08Red|John Stiefel            1.08Red|     3   |  79.00       
    Woburn MA                      |Wethersfield CT                |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    Richard Weiss           1.08Red|Robert Virgile          1.08Red|         |
    Swampscott MA                  |Lexington MA                   |         |
  3 Neil Montague           1.08Red|Bob Gorsey              1.08Red|     3   |  62.00       
    Swampscott MA                  |Bedford MA                     |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    Richard DeMartino       1.80Red|Geoffrey Brod           1.80Red|         |
    Riverside CT (5 wins)          |Boca Raton FL (5 wins)         |         |
  4 Allan Rothenberg        1.80Red|Pat McDevitt            0.72Red|     5   | 115.00    1  
    W Hartford CT (5 wins)         |Brookline MA (2 wins)          |         |
    John Malley             1.08Red|                               |         |
    Pascoag RI (3 wins)            |                               |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    Victor King             1.44Red|Sheila Gabay            1.44Red|         |
    Hartford CT (4 wins)           |Newton MA (4 wins)             |         |
  5 James Rasmussen         1.26Red|Pamela Miller           1.26Red|     5.50|  98.00       
    Cambridge MA (3.50 wins)       |Cambridge MA (3.50 wins)       |         |
    Anton Tsypkin           1.26Red|Walter Lee              1.26Red|         |
    Ashland MA (3.50 wins)         |Sudbury MA (3.50 wins)         |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    Franklin Merblum        1.08Red|Douglas Doub            1.08Red|         |
    Bloomfield CT                  |W Hartford CT                  |         |
  6 Adam Grossack           1.08Red|Alan Applebaum          1.08Red|     3   |  76.00       
    Newton MA                      |Brookline MA                   |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    Lawrence Lau            1.62Red|Robert Lavin            1.62Red|         |
    Westport CT                    |East Longmeadow MA             |         |
  7 Harold Feldheim         1.62Red|Brett Adler             1.62Red|     4.50| 101.00       
    Hamden CT                      |Norwalk CT                     |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    Robert McCaw            1.80Red|Karen McCallum          1.80Red|         |
    Sudbury MA                     |Exeter NH                      |         |
  8 Cenk Tuncok             1.80Red|Lewis Gamerman          1.80Red|     5   | 105.00       
    Amesbury MA                    |Westwood MA                    |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    Dean Panagopoulos       1.80Red|Stephen Gladyszak       1.80Red|         |
    Lynn MA                        |Chelsea MA                     |         |
  9 Melody Bi               1.80Red|Robert Woodard          1.80Red|     5   |  76.00       
    Ashland MA                     |Dover NH                       |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    Steve Becker            2.52Red|Larry Bausher           2.52Red|         |
    Old Greenwich CT               |West Haven CT                  |         |
 10 Mark Aquino             2.52Red|Richard Budd            2.52Red|     7   |  95.00       
    Jamaica Plain MA               |Portland ME                    |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
                                                               TOTALS   45.00  896.00

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EVENT>D25 GNT Flight A                                                |Page> 1
------------------------,---------------------,-----------------,----- ---------
DATE>March 1, 2014      |SANCTION>GT1403024   | 03/05/2014 05:56|EVENT CODE>GNTA
---------------------,-- --------------------- -----------,----- ---------------
CITY>Sturbridge MA   |RATING>Regional                     |GAME>VICTORY POINT
----------,---------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
ROUNDS> 7 |BDS/RD>  8 |MP LIMITS>6000           |TOURN>D25 GNT District Finals
---------- ----------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
TEAMS>   8
                          | Master |                      | Master |         |       | Overall |
 No Name                  | Points |Name                  | Points |    Wins | Score |   Rank  |
-------------------------- -------- ---------------------- -------- --------- ------- --------- 
    Daniel McGuire          2.10Red|Wayne Burt              2.10Red|         |
    Epsom NH                       |Pembroke NH                    |         |
 21 Bruce Downing           2.10Red|Ronald Mak              2.10Red|     5   |  80.00       
    New London NH                  |Manchester NH                  |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    Charles Polay           2.52Red|Zachary Grossack        2.52Red|         |
    Chelmsford MA                  |Newton MA                      |         |
 22 Amnon Gabay             2.52Red|Donald Caplin           2.52Red|     6   | 116.00    1  
    Newton MA                      |Waltham MA                     |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    Jeanne McKenzie         1.26Red|Buddhadeb Biswas        1.26Red|         |
    Medford MA                     |Lexington MA                   |         |
 23 Natalie Bassil          1.26Red|Robert Bertoni          1.26Red|     3   |  64.00       
    Boston MA                      |Haverhill MA                   |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    Nathan Glasser          1.68Red|Paul Wendt              1.68Red|         |
    Somerville MA                  |Watertown MA                   |         |
 24 Shekhar Sengupta        1.68Red|Philip Lam              1.68Red|     4   |  64.00       
    Marlborough MA                 |North Berwick ME               |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    Roger Webb              1.26Red|Philippe Galaski        1.26Red|         |
    Amherst MA                     |Amherst MA                     |         |
 25 Sonja Smith             1.26Red|David Rock              1.26Red|     3   |  65.00       
    North Granby CT                |Westfield MA                   |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    Doris Greenwald                |Phyllis Bausher                |         |
    Stamford CT                    |West Haven CT                  |         |
 26 Sandra DeMartino               |Betty Jane Corbani             |     0   |  40.00       
    Riverside CT                   |Danbury CT                     |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    Joyce Pearson           1.68Red|Jori Grossack           1.68Red|         |
    Framingham MA                  |Waban MA                       |         |
 27 Ann Baum                1.68Red|Steven Groag            1.68Red|     4   |  71.00       
    Newton MA                      |Warwick RI                     |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    Michael Diesel          1.26Red|Andrew Chesterton       1.26Red|         |
    Saugus MA                      |Winchester MA                  |         |
 28 Daniel Jablonski        1.26Red|Stephanie Hamilton-Die  1.26Red|     3   |  60.00       
    Stoneham MA                    |Saugus MA                      |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
                                                               TOTALS   28.00  560.00

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EVENT>D25 GNT Flight B                                                |Page> 1
------------------------,---------------------,-----------------,----- ---------
DATE>March 1, 2014      |SANCTION>GT1403024   | 03/05/2014 05:56|EVENT CODE>GNTB
---------------------,-- --------------------- -----------,----- ---------------
CITY>Sturbridge MA   |RATING>Regional                     |GAME>VICTORY POINT
----------,---------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
ROUNDS> 7 |BDS/RD>  8 |MP LIMITS>2500           |TOURN>D25 GNT District Finals
---------- ----------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
TEAMS>  15
                          | Master |                      | Master |         |       | Overall |
 No Name                  | Points |Name                  | Points |    Wins | Score |   Rank  |
-------------------------- -------- ---------------------- -------- --------- ------- --------- 
    James Keegan            1.08Red|Alix Taylor             1.08Red|         |
    Cambridge MA                   |Lincoln MA                     |         |
 41 Howard Canan            1.08Red|Steven Diamond          1.08Red|     3   |  67.00       
    Holden MA                      |Shrewsbury MA                  |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    Robert Derrah           1.80Red|Shirley Derrah          1.80Red|         |
    Springfield MA                 |Springfield MA                 |         |
 42 Susan Smith             1.80Red|Michael Smith           1.80Red|     5   |  80.00       
    Newington CT                   |Newington CT                   |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    Stewart Rubenstein      1.08Red|Christina Parker        1.08Red|         |
    Newton MA                      |Newton Centre MA               |         |
 43 Diogo Teixeira          1.08Red|Christine Halkiotis     1.08Red|     3   |  66.00       
    Wellesley MA                   |Wellesley Hills MA             |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    Paul Harris             1.26Red|Cecilla Borras          1.26Red|         |
    Waltham MA                     |Waltham MA                     |         |
 44 Barbara Murphy          1.26Red|Richard Saval           1.26Red|     3.50|  70.00       
    Newton MA                      |Wayland MA                     |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    Lisa Procter                   |Jane Adams                     |         |
    Dover MA                       |Lexington MA                   |         |
 45 Stanley Richmond               |John Goldman                   |     0   |  12.00       
    Needham MA                     |Newton Center MA               |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    H Lane Jr               1.08Red|Arthur Giovannangeli    1.08Red|         |
    Spofford NH                    |Dublin NH                      |         |
 46 Allen Pattee            1.08Red|Lawrence Cheetham       1.08Red|     3   |  64.00       
    Manchester NH                  |Bedford NH                     |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    Murat Azizoglu          1.08Red|Jan Popiel              1.08Red|         |
    Concord MA (3 wins)            |Lexington MA (3 wins)          |         |
 47 Murthy Ayyagari         0.36Red|R Muggia                0.36Red|     4   |  76.00       
    North Andover MA (1 wins)      |Andover MA (1 wins)            |         |
    Steven Willner          1.44Red|Bradley Mampe           1.44Red|         |
    Needham MA (4 wins)            |Somerville MA (4 wins)         |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    Thomas Gerchman         0.54Red|Linda Starr             0.54Red|         |
    Avon CT                        |Windsor CT                     |         |
 48 Michael Dworetsky       0.54Red|Michael Wavada          0.54Red|     1.50|  55.00       
    Bloomfield CT                  |Enfield CT                     |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    Catherine Cooper               |David Maze                     |         |
    Woburn MA                      |Somerville MA                  |         |
 49 Daniel Neiman                  |Vincent Fish                   |     0   |  36.00       
    Rowley MA                      |Chelmsford MA                  |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    Catherine Sallar        1.80Red|Janice Smola            1.80Red|         |
    Fall River MA                  |Arlington MA                   |         |
 50 Frank Farrell           1.80Red|Irene Bonner            1.80Red|     5   |  76.00       
    Methuen MA                     |Andover MA                     |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    Barry Buehler           1.44Red|Lawrence Eppler         1.44Red|         |
    East Lyme CT                   |Pawcatuck CT                   |         |
 51 Richard Lebel           1.44Red|Thomas Thompson         1.44Red|     4   |  59.00       
    Danielson CT                   |Gales Ferry CT                 |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    Ronald Briggs           1.44Red|Yanyan Liu              1.44Red|         |
    Lexington MA                   |Wilmington MA                  |         |
 52 Dick Majcher            1.44Red|Benson Ho               1.44Red|     4   |  78.00       
    Woburn MA                      |North Andover MA               |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    Stephen McDevitt        1.44Red|Vincent Koon Kam King   1.44Red|         |
    Medford MA                     |Arlington MA                   |         |
 53 Robin Hillyard          1.44Red|Parul Jain              1.44Red|     4   |  68.00       
    Carlisle MA                    |Wellesley MA                   |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    Michael Lieberman       1.80Red|Alevtina Asarina        1.80Red|         |
    Cambridge MA (5 wins)          |Cambridge MA (5 wins)          |         |
 54 Reid Barton             1.80Red|Emily Shen              1.80Red|     7   | 119.00    1  
    Arlington MA (5 wins)          |Arlington MA (5 wins)          |         |
    Leo Zelevinsky          1.44Red|Jay Tang                1.44Red|         |
    Sharon MA (4 wins)             |Sharon MA (4 wins)             |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    Gloria Tsoi             1.44Red|Brian Weiner Duran      1.44Red|         |
    Somerville MA                  |Medford MA                     |         |
 55 Lon Sunshine            1.44Red|Ivanie Yeo              1.44Red|     4   |  94.00       
    Framingham MA                  |Brighton MA                    |         |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
                                                               TOTALS   51.00 1020.00

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