District 25
NEBridge - buzz0307

District 25 News for March 2007

Buzz from Cromwell

New England held its premier Knockout Regional in Cromwell CT February 14-19 2007. Director Peter Marcus and I experimented with a new results procedure and format this year, and we welcome suggestions, criticism, kudos or comments. Cromwell recaps and overalls were posted on this web site daily, and for the first time, hand records are online. We remind players that directors cannot accept corrections by phone or email. Report scoring mistakes in person.

A raging winter storm on the opening Wednesday dampened initial turnout, but then the skies cleared and attendance improved, with 1267 table-sessions (1207 in 2006), and 965 different players winning 6668 master points (897 won 6252 in 2006). This year the tournament attracted several touring pros, including a Michael Rosenberg team, a Jim Krekorian team, and a team containing Geoff Hampson, Gavin Wolpert, and Joe Grue. We hope more national stars will put Cromwell on their lists for 2008. Come on up! It's not that cold.

I was unable to attend this regional, but I thank my friends for reporting deals from the weekend's fierce 21-team Flight A Knockout.

Let's start by laughing at West, an oblivious declarer in 4H on the lead of the diamond queen:

 West            East
 S-xx            S-Axx
 H-AJ109xxx      H-x
 D-Kxx           D-Axx
 C-A             C-KQxxxx

West won the DK to play HA, HJ. No good - North won the doubleton HK, South ruffed dummy's DA with HQ, and a spade switch severed the dummy for down one. Even though dummy seems to be bristling with entries, it was necessary to cash the CA before losing the lead, after which the contract cannot fail.

Pick a lead as West with S-Axx H-9xxx D-K C-Jxxxx after:

 South  West  North  East
 1S     P     2D     P
 2H     P     4C     P
 4H     P     4S     P
 4NT    P     6H     P
 P      P

The actual player led a low spade. Dummy had S-Kxx, declarer S-Jxxxx, and partner S-Qx. Declarer didn't put up the king, and went down 2. With the diamonds coming in, and the teammates only in game, this was a swing.

Suppose you hold S-AJ109x H-10xxxxx D- C-xx, and hear:

 East   South West   North
 1D     P     1H     P
 1S     2C    4S     5C
 P      P     ?

Do you bid 5S? If not, what do you lead?

 West          H-QJxx        East
 S-AJ109x      D-KQx         S-KQxx
 H-10xxxxx     C-Axxxx       H-Kx
 D-                          D-Axxxxxx
 C-xx          South         C-x

If you bid, South cashes HA and puts North in with a club for a ruff. If you defend, you better underlead the spade ace or they make 5C.

You're South, with S-KJxxx H-KJxx D-Kxx C-x.

East   South West   North
 P      P     1C     P
 1D     ? 

One South doubled, the other overcalled 1S. In both cases, West played 3NT on a club lead:

 West        East
 S-AQ98      S-10xx
 H-10x       H-Qxx
 D-Jxx       D-AQ10xx
 C-AKxx      C-QJ

Where South overcalled, declarer won in dummy and ran the spade ten, for nine tricks. Where South doubled, West took a diamond finesse and the defense cashed four hearts for down one.

A player whose six-handed team survived till Sunday evening sat out the first half and then came into a close final match. Let's kibitz. He has a Grand Master sitting opposite playing two-over-one, but they're only an occasional partnership.

He dealt himself S-AQJ10xxx H- D-AKx C-Kxx. Would you open 2C? The playing strength is there, but not the point count. 2C risks partner overvaluing strong hearts. He decided to open 1S. With silent opponents, his partner bid a forcing 1NT. Now what? It would be great if 4H was a self splinter, showing a 4S bid with short hearts, but you can't invent that at the table and expect partner to read it. Manufacturing a jump shift risks a misunderstanding. He reluctantly settled for 4S.

Lose. Partner had a perfect S-xx H-xxx D-Qxxx C-AJxx, and at the other table the opponents were playing a fancy 2NT force over 1NT, with a follow-up to show the heart void, and bid the slam.

S-Jx H-KQxxx D-AKQxx C-x.

 East   South West   North
 P      1H    P      2C
 P      2D    P      2NT
 P      ?

How hard would you drive this red five-five? He decided to stay in second gear, bidding a forcing 3D and then passing 3NT. Alas, partner held S-AQx H-xx D-J10x C-AKxxx, and those luscious minor diamond honors meant 6D was a cooler. Push, and an opportunity missed.

He opened 1NT with S-Jxx H-AQxx D-Kx C-AKxx, and partner bid 2NT, transfer to diamonds. Would you preaccept? He didn't, but partner made no further tries, holding S-Ax H-Kxx D-AJ10xxx C-Qx. 6D would have made (6NT would not - the spade lead is obvious and diamonds don't come in). Since the other auction was a lackluster 1NT-3NT, this was another push.

S-Axxx H-x D-AQxxx C-98x.

 East   South West   North
 P      P     P      1H
 P      1S    P      2C
 P      2NT   P      3C (forcing, by agreement)
 P      ?

Again, how hard do you push? My informant just bid 3NT. This was right in theory. Partner held S-Jx H-AQ10xx D-x C-AKJ10x, and slam was anti-percentage. But H-Kxx, C-Qx, and the diamond king were all onside, so today 6C would have made however partner played it. Perhaps our hero should have bid it, having missed the other three slams.

How would you play this 4S game on a low club lead (third and fifth)?


It's awkward to win the club ace because you have so few hand entries. Declarer ducked to the jack, and back came a heart. Fearing a ruff, he rose the ace and tried two top spades.

 West         H-Qx         East
 S-x          D-Ax         S-Qxx
 H-KJxx       C-A10xxx     H-xxxx
 D-Q10x                    D-Kxxxx
 C-KQxxx      South        C-J

No luck - he now had one inescapable loser in each suit. If he'd ducked the heart return, West would have given East a club ruff just as declarer feared. But now the contract makes.

At the other table, North opened a strong notrump and became declarer at 4S. East led a diamond, and declarer had no reason to guess trumps. A push for down one.

The upshot was that my correspondent lost the final. To win, he would have had to get any two of the five deals I've shown right. Bid any two of the four slams, or any one of them if he made four spades.

District 25 Grand National Teams Update

District 25 Grand National Teams trials were held January 20-21, 2007 in Sturbridge, MA. Only the C team (Lieberman, Asarina, Ring, Koon Kam King) was chosen that weekend. In a recent match I didn't cover, McCaw-Gammerman, Inglia-Pavlu won the B's. I predict both these teams will do well in Nashville. As of this writing, the Championship Flight final hasn't been played.

On Sunday, March 4, 2007, I kibitzed the 32-board Flight A District finals between the Gorsey team

of (left to right in the picture) Charlie Polay, Carole Weinstein, Neil Montague, and Bob Gorsey, whose 64-board semifinal I reported last month, and the McIntyre team of

Glenn McIntyre, Bill Wood, Brett Adler, and Bob Virgile, who started off trailing by six imps carried over from way back in the round-robin. Direct all inquiries as to why we use silly carryovers, and why the final was 32 boards when the semis were 64, to our GNT coordinator Mark Aquino, whose conditions of contest so specified. Thankfully, the players agreed to let me name names, and to use my boards, so we have true hand records. The playing conditions were excellent and the snacks were tasty. For the first half, I kibitzed McIntyre-Virgile vs. Polay-Weinstein. Board 1 (none vul, N deals):


 West     H-106       East
 S-5      D-A74       S-AQJ10
 H-AKJ2   C-Q98       H-9874
 D-J1083              D-KQ5
 C-A1073  South       C-62

 North    East    South    West
 McIntyre Polay   Virgile  Weinstein
 P        1D      P        1H
 P        2H      P        4H
 P        P       P

 Gorsey   Adler   Montague Wood
 P        1D      P        1H
 P        2H      P        4NT
 P        5C      P        5H
 P        P       P

Wood chased moonbeams with his Keycard 4NT. Both Norths led trumps, for a push at 450. A club lead might require the 5H declarer to guess who had the spade king for contract.


Board 2 (NS vul, E deals):

.         North
 West     H-K107      East
 S-AK4    D-K92       S-Q109752
 H-85     C-J1032     H-94
 D-QJ875              D-6
 C-AQ4    South       C-K876

 East    South    West      North
 Polay   Virgile  Weinstein McIntyre
 P       1H       Double    2H
 2S      3D       Double    Redouble
 3S      P        4S        P
 P       P

 Adler   Montague Wood     Gorsey
 2S      3H       4S       Double
 P       P        P


Would you open a weak two as East at favorable? The declarers lost two hearts, but won the club shift with the king and immediately led diamonds, risking a club ruff. Then they were able to use dummy's four entries to ruff three diamonds and get back to the fifth for the tenth trick. Well done. 590 to 420, 5 imps to McIntyre.

Board 3 (EW vul, S deals):

.         North
 West     H-K6        East
 S-K2     D-KJ65      S-Q87
 H-108543 C-9642      H-972
 D-1073               D-A82
 C-Q108   South       C-AJ73

 South    West      North    East
 Virgile  Weinstein McIntyre Polay
 1S       P         2D       P
 2NT      P         3NT      P
 P        P

 Montague Wood     Gorsey    Adler
 1S       P        1NT       P
 2D       P        4S        P
 P        P

Montague's 4S was cold with the club onside and the spades coming in. McIntyre put Virgile in jeopardy in 3NT. Weinsten led a fourth best H4 to the nine and queen. On winning the spade queen, Polay didn't find the killing low club shift. Is this Weinstein's fault for not leading the heart eight, or Polay's fault for lack of imagination?


Board 4 (Both vul, W deals):

.         North
 West     H-2         East
 S-J8763  D-Q943      S-Q10
 H-Q6     C-1042      H-AK7
 D-107                D-AJ652
 C-A983   South       C-KJ7

 West      North    East    South
 Weinstein McIntyre Polay   Virgile
 P         P        2D      P
 2S        P        2NT     P
 3H        P        3S      P
 3NT       P        P       P

 Wood      Gorsey   Adler   Montague
 P         P        1D      2H
 Double    P        3NT     P
 P         P

Both pairs for the Gorsey team employ a modified Mexican 2D for one-and-a-half notrump hands, but this deal was everybody's 3NT in any system. After heart lead, spade, heart, spade, North had no way to prevent game. In fact, both declarers made five on misdefense. Push at 660.


Board 5 (NS vul, N deals)

.         North
 West     H-AQ10754   East
 S-A6     D-AQ75      S-Q754
 H-983    C-98        H-KJ2
 D-1032               D-J986
 C-KQ654  South       C-J2

 North    East    South    West
 McIntyre Polay   Virgile  Weinstein
 1H       P       1S       P
 2H       P       2S       P
 P        P

 Gorsey   Adler   Montague Wood
 1H       P       1S       P
 2D       P       3S       P
 P        P

Gorsey-Montague flirted with a vul game that can make only on misdefense given this lie of cards, but then thought better of it. Both East-Wests allowed only nine tricks. Push at 140.


Board 6 (EW vul, E deals):

.         North
 West     H-AQ96      East
 S-J10753 D-75        S-A94
 H-KJ752  C-J10642    H-843
 D-AK10               D-92
 C-       South       C-AK753

 East    South    West      North
 Polay   Virgile  Weinstein McIntyre
 P       P        1S        P
 2C      P        4S        P
 P       P

 Adler   Montague Wood     Gorsey
 1C      2D       2S       P
 3S      P        4D       P
 4S      P        P        P


Adler, who has a New Zealand accent, opened an old-fashioned Acolish quick trick hand, then fought off the dreaded slam try. Polay passed and used Drury. Pity poor Montague, who threw in a nuisance 2D bid at favorable vulnerability, and payed off in blood. After North led the D7 to DJ and DK, Wood went to the spade ace, pitched hearts on the clubs, hooked in diamonds, pitched one of dummy's hearts, and then eventually ruffed his third heart with dummy's nine for 620. The uninformative auction and passive club lead at the other table left Weinstein with no practical chance. She pitched two hearts and crossed to the DK for a spade to the queen and ace. When she played DA, D, McIntyre 'signalled' by discarding the heart nine! Could she now make the contract? No. When she played hearts, McIntyre gave Virgile a ruff. If she had played trumps instead, repeated club plays tap her out, so long as McIntyre discards another heart on the third trump. -100 and 12 imps to McIntyre.

Board 7 (Both vul, S deals):

.         North
 West     H-Q98752    East
 S-J106   D-Q2        S-943
 H-AJ3    C-Q8        H-106
 D-J1086              D-94
 C-J92    South       C-1076543

 South    West      North    East
 Virgile  Weinstein McIntyre Polay
 1D       P         1H       P
 2NT      P         5H       P
 6H       P         P        P

 Montague Wood     Gorsey    Adler
 2D       P        4D        P
 4H       P        4NT       P
 5D       P        6H        P
 P        P

The values for slam were there, but the trump combination proved inadequate. (Yes, 6S makes with trumps 3-3. Thanks for peeking.) Gorsey gave Montague no mercy after the Mexican 2D, using Texas and Keycard. McIntryre made a thoughtful 5H bid, asking Virgile about trumps, but Bob rather liked his king. Do you sympathize? A push at -100.


Board 8 (None vul, W deals):

.         North
 West     H-973       East
 S-10     D-KQ2       S-76
 H-AKQ865 C-Q5        H-104
 D-43                 D-A10986
 C-AK42   South       C-8763

 West      North    East    South
 Weinstein McIntyre Polay   Virgile
 1H        1S       P       2S
 3H        3S       P       P
 4C        P        4H      4S
 Double    P        P       P
 Wood      Gorsey   Adler   Montague
 2D        2S       P       4S
 Double    P        P       P

4H is cold for 420, so the matching 300's were par results. Bill Wood's conventional 2D didn't lead to the auction of his dreams, so he doubled on general principles. If McIntyre had refrained from bidding 3S, Polay might have passed 3H and lost 4 imps, but then again maybe not.


Board 9 (EW vul, N deals)

.         North
 West     H-2         East
 S-843    D-AKQJ94    S-QJ6
 H-A1093  C-AJ        H-KQJ85
 D-86                 D-72
 C-10743  South       C-K82

 North    East    South    West
 McIntyre Polay   Virgile  Weinstein
 1D       1H      P        3H
 3S       P       4D       P
 P        P

 Gorsey   Adler   Montague Wood
 1D       1H      P        P
 Double   P       2D       2H
 3D       3H      P        P
 3S       P       4D       P
 P        P

Both vulnerable East-Wests dangled 500 in front of North's moose, but the non-vul North-Souths neither doubled 3H nor pressed on to 5D. To beat 5D legitimately, West has to overtake the first round of hearts and put a club through. Although this defense wasn't found, both Norths failed to strip and endplay East for 11 tricks. Push at 130. Yes, 4S can be made against any defense. You peeked again.


Board 10 (Both vul, E deals):

.         North
 West     H-742       East
 S-A10    D-AQ974     S-64
 H-J1086  C-532       H-KQ53
 D-K1053              D-86
 C-AKJ    South       C-Q9876

 East    South    West      North
 Polay   Virgile  Weinstein McIntyre
 P       3S       P         P

 Adler   Montague Wood     Gorsey
 P       P        1NT      P
 2C      2S       3H       P
 4H      P        P        P


Bob Virgile stole the pot with a vulnerable Raggedy Ann 3S preempt, and made his contract via the diamond finesse. Adler stretched for a thin vul game, but with the spade queen lead and the diamond ace wrong, Wood had no way home. -100, an imp to McIntyre.

Board 11 (None vul, S deals):

.         North
 West     H-109874    East
 S-AQJ5   D-863       S-K863
 H-A5     C-K54       H-KQ6
 D-J94                D-AQ1072
 C-J987   South       C-10

 South    West      North    East
 Virgile  Weinstein McIntyre Polay
 P        1C        P        1D
 P        1S        P        4S
 P        P         P
 Montague Wood     Gorsey    Adler
 P        P        P         1D
 P        1S       P         3S
 P        4S       P

Polay wanted to splinter 4C, but feared a misunderstanding. Bill Wood's pass and failure to cuebid 4H seem out of character, but all's well that ends well. The diamond king was offside, for matching 450's.


Board 12 (NS vul, W deals):

.         North
 West     H-AJ6       East
 S-J5432  D-109       S-K6
 H-K92    C-KJ109     H-874
 D-KJ                 D-AQ8743
 C-Q42    South       C-73

 West      North    East    South
 Weinstein McIntyre Polay   Virgile
 P         1NT      Double  P
 2C        P        2D      P
 P         P
 Wood      Gorsey   Adler   Montague
 P         1NT      3D      P
 P         P

If East passes 1NT and runs his diamonds while West pitches four spades, Declarer is squeezed and can't make 7 tricks. Instead, Polay doubled (both majors or one minor). McIntyre-Virgile made no mistake on defense and all Charlie scored was six diamonds and the spade king, for down one. Gorsey-Montague made no mistake either, so Adler was down two and lucky that nobody doubled. Two imps to Gorsey.


Board 13 (Both vul, N deals)

.         North
 West     H-AK2       East
 S-K96    D-Q976      S-AQ852
 H-10765  C-K864      H-J3
 D-AK42               D-J10853
 C-72     South       C-3

 North    East    South    West
 McIntyre Polay   Virgile  Weinstein
 P        P       1C       1D
 2D       3C      4C       P
 5C       P       P        P

 Gorsey   Adler   Montague Wood
 1D       1S      Double   2D
 P        4S      5C       Double
 P        P       P

McIntyre passed his 12-count and Weinstein tried an offshape overcall. After both sides exchanged customary cuebids, Polay, who has seen Weinstein's overcalls before, elected not to take a 500 save against a 600 game. Of course, Gorsey opened at the other table, but Montague still sounded like he was saving, so Bill Wood gave 5C a whack. Alas, his ace-king of diamonds proved worthless. 750 versus 600, 4 imps to Gorsey.


Board 14 (None vul, E deals):

.          North
 West      H-AK974     East
 S-84      D-AK9       S-A1062
 H-Q       C-43        H-106
 D-Q1054               D-8763
 C-AJ10652 South       C-Q97

 East    South    West      North
 Polay   Virgile  Weinstein McIntyre
 P       P        3C        Double
 P       4H       P         P

 Adler   Montague Wood     Gorsey
 P       P        3C       3H
 3NT     4H       P        P

Montague ignored Adler's comic 3NT. Neither East took a 500 dive against a 420 game. Pushing 420's.


Board 15 (NS vul, S deals):

.         North
 West     H-Q73       East
 S-AKQJ7  D-K2        S-862
 H-K5     C-J10876    H-864
 D-873                D-Q1065
 C-A94    South       C-Q53

 South    West      North    East
 Virgile  Weinstein McIntyre Polay
 1H       Double    2H       P
 P        Double    P        3D
 P        P         P
 Montague Wood      Gorsey   Adler
 1H       Double    2H       P
 P        2S        P        P

Since North-South make 3H on good play, Bill Wood had a chance for a pickup in 2S, but he didn't guess the clubs. Down one. Polay was abandoned in the vacuum of deep space. Down 4, -200, four imps to McIntyre.


Board 16 (EW vul, W deals):

.         North
 West     H-A9        East
 S-J94    D-A6        S-AK7
 H-K1053  C-AQJ1085   H-8642
 D-1084               D-QJ732
 C-932    South       C-6

 West      North    East    South
 Weinstein McIntyre Polay   Virgile
 P         1NT      P       3NT
 P         P        P
 Wood      Gorsey   Adler   Montague
 P         1C       Double  1S
 P         3C       P       3NT
 P         P        P

Montague out-matchpointed McIntyre in everybody's 3NT, 11 tricks to 10, an imp to Gorsey. The McIntyre team won the half 22-9, to take the lead by seven counting the carryover. After a short break, all eight players reclaimed the same chairs, but I switched tables so as to kibitz Gorsey-Montague vs. Wood-Adler. Board 17 (None vul, N deals):



.         North
 West     H-4         East
 S-AQ1064 D-Q3        S-8
 H-QJ8    C-AJ103     H-A10965
 D-A94                D-K8765
 C-Q5     South       C-98

 North    East    South    West
 McIntyre Polay   Virgile  Weinstein
 1S       2S      P        4H
 P        P       Double   P
 P        P

 Gorsey   Adler   Montague Wood
 1S       2S      P        4H
 P        P       P

Both Norths led low spades, but it did the Wests no good to win this cheap trick and pitch a club, because South ruffed the spade ace, and still had a club, a diamond, and the king of trumps to win. So Virgile gained 2 imps for McIntyre by doubling.


And then came Board 18 (NS vul, E deals):

.          North
 West      H-KJ7632   East
 S-J2      D-84       S-83
 H-        C-Q        H-AQ105
 D-AKQ9               D-J1032
 C-K876542 South      C-AJ3

 East     South    West      North
 Polay    Virgile  Weinstein McIntyre
 1D       P        3H        Double
 Redouble P        4NT       P
 5H       P        7D        Double
 P        P        P

 Adler    Montague Wood     Gorsey
 1D       P        2C       P
 3C       P        5H       P
 5S       Double   6D       P
 P        P

Voids often lead to big swings, and so it proved. Bill Wood despaired of finding out what he needed to know to stay out of slam, so he tried 5H exclusion so as not to miss 7 opposite black aces. It's a good thing Neil doubled 5S to tell himself to lead the suit for +50.


At the other table, and I do mean other, Weinstein thought that 4NT after splintering was exclusion, so she leaped to seven. McIntyre, who had doubled 3H, now desperately tried to cancel the message by doubling the grand. Pity Bob Virgile! What were Weinstein-Polay doing? What was Glenn up to? Should he lead a club, expecting Glenn to be void? A farmer's spade king? Or should he stolidly lead the heart Glenn had asked for in the first place? Virgile led a heart, for minus 1630, 17 imps and the lead went back to Gorsey.

When a team suffers a catastrophe such as Board 18, in my experience one of two things happens - either they collapse into a black hole, or they rally. At least in this case, all four McIntyre players knew what just happened was bad. I sensed a change in the tension level during Board 19 (EW vul, S deals):

.         North
 West     H-J10973    East
 S-10872  D-2         S-J
 H-K      C-A105      H-AQ852
 D-K87654             D-103
 C-Q8     South       C-96432

 South    West      North    East
 Virgile  Weinstein McIntyre Polay
 1NT      P         2C       P
 2S       P         4S       P
 P        P

 Montague Wood     Gorsey    Adler
 1NT      P        2D        P
 2H       P        2S        P
 4S       P        P         P

Gorsey won the D10 lead with dummy's ace, and led the DQ, covered and ruffed. He played SK, SA, D ruffed, but then misguessed in clubs. Down 1, losing a club, two hearts, and a spade.


Playing 4S from the South side at the other table, Virgile won the diamond lead with the jack and led a heart to the king. Weinstein tried the club queen, and that was 420, 10 imps to McIntyre.

Board 20 (Both vul, W deals):

.         North
 West     H-653       East
 S-98     D-96        S-A7
 H-AQJ94  C-A865      H-K1072
 D-K107               D-J8542
 C-Q93    South       C-J4

 West      North    East    South
 Weinstein McIntyre Polay   Virgile
 1H        P        2H      Double
 P         2S       3H      P
 P         3S       P       P
 Wood      Gorsey   Adler   Montague
 1H        P        3D      3S
 P         4S       Double  P
 P         P        P

McIntyre-Virgile stopped in 3S making, leaving Polay-Weinstein no chance at a plus score. Adler's Bergen 3D pressured Gorsey-Montague into game. Adler doubled 4S, and put a diamond through upon winning the ace of trumps, down 1 and 8 imps to McIntyre.

Board 21 (NS vul, N deals)

.         North
 West     H-875       East
 S-AQJ84  D-109842    S-K7632
 H-10     C-Q109      H-AJ6
 D-K653               D-AQ
 C-K87    South       C-A42

 North    East    South    West
 McIntyre Polay   Virgile  Weinstein
 P        2D      P        2S
 P        2NT     P        3H
 P        4S      P        4NT
 P        5C      P        6S
 P        P       P

 Gorsey   Adler   Montague Wood
 P        1S      P        4H
 P        4NT     P        5S
 P        5NT     P        6S
 P        7S      P        P

The Mexican 2D auction resulted in West using Keycard. Weinstein found the four missing keys, but she didn't know enough about the interior of the minor suits, and settled for six.


At the other table East got to use Keycard, which rated to work out better. However, Wood showed, in order, a game raise of spades with short hearts, two key cards plus the spade queen (miscounting by one), and no side kings (miscounting by two). A normal deck doesn't contain 6 key cards, so Adler knew Wood was off his feed, but what was he drinking? Trusting the moose he was looking at, he contracted for all the tricks. There was nothing to the play, and 11 more imps went to McIntyre.

Board 22 (EW vul, E deals):

.         North
 West     H-K10853    East
 S-AK7654 D-J843      S-J
 H-7      C-J106      H-QJ96
 D-K76                D-Q95
 C-A93    South       C-K8752

 East    South    West      North
 Polay   Virgile  Weinstein McIntyre
 P       1S       P         P

 Adler   Montague Wood     Gorsey
 P       1S       P        1NT
 P       2D       2S       P
 P       P

After complex play, the McIntyre team went down one in spade partials in both rooms, 4 imps to Gorsey.


Board 23 (Both vul, S deals):

.         North
 West     H-96        East
 S-AK4    D-KQ10987   S-82
 H-KQ43   C-Q         H-J10875
 D-63                 D-42
 C-AJ65   South       C-9872

 South    West      North    East
 Virgile  Weinstein McIntyre Polay
 1C       1NT       P        2D
 P        2H        3D       P
 P        3H        P        P

 Montague Wood     Gorsey    Adler
 1C       1NT      2D        2H
 3D       3H       P         P

McIntyre led his club and Virgile gave him his ruff on winning the trump ace, for down one. Gorsey's 2D bid made Adler declarer, and Montague led a spade rather than ace and a diamond. Now Adler knocked out the trump ace and eventually ran the club nine to make three, 6 imps to McIntyre.


Board 24 (None vul, W deals):

.         North
 West     H-QJ104     East
 S-J108   D-K43       S-K964
 H-K6     C-A632      H-9752
 D-AQJ2               D-65
 C-Q1094  South       C-KJ5

 West      North    East    South
 Weinstein McIntyre Polay   Virgile
 1D        P        1H      P
 1NT       P        P       P
 Wood      Gorsey   Adler   Montague
 1D        1H       Double  2H
 P         P        P

Against Weinstein's 1NT, McIntyre's HQ rode to declarer's king. Club to CJ, D to DQ ducked smoothly, C to CK, diamond to DJ and a cruel DK, CA, S3 ducked to SQ, cash hearts for down 1 and 50. Gorsey did well in 2H - D to DA, DQ to DK. C to Adler's CJ (should Wood overtake?), unfortunate low spade shift won by dummy's SQ, CA, C ruff, SA, C ruffed with H9 overruffed with HA, and H8 to make 140, 3 imps to Gorsey.


Board 25 (EW vul, N deals)

.         North
 West     H-K9873     East
 S-Q642   D-10874     S-J87
 H-Q4     C-J4        H-J10652
 D-A9                 D-62
 C-AK1053 South       C-976

 North    East    South    West
 McIntyre Polay   Virgile  Weinstein
 P        P       1D       1NT
 P        2D      Double   P
 P        2H      2S       P
 3D       P       P        P

 Gorsey   Adler   Montague Wood
 P        P       1D       1NT
 P        2D      Double   P
 P        2H      P        P

Virgile played a normal 3D partial, making 4. Adler, lucky to escape a double in 2H, won the diamond lead in dummy. The next trick was interesting: HQ, HK, H2, HA! However, Montague shifted to a club and in the fullness of time, declarer lost 2 spades, a diamond, a club, and 3 trumps, for down 2, -200, 3 imps to Gorsey.


Board 26 (Both vul, E deals):

.         North
 West     H-Q109      East
 S-A97    D-1042      S-K854
 H-KJ8542 C-A942      H-763
 D-Q8                 D-KJ7
 C-KQ     South       C-J73

 East    South    West      North
 Polay   Virgile  Weinstein McIntyre
 P       P        1H        P
 2H      P        4H        P
 P       P

 Adler   Montague Wood     Gorsey
 P       P        1H       P
 2H      P        P        P


Quite a difference in evaluation by the Wests! Wood made his 2H. Maybe he could make 3. In 4H, Weinstein went down 2, when maybe she could go down one. 7 imps to McIntyre.

Board 27 (None vul, S deals):

.         North
 West     H-AK6543    East
 S-8432   D-AQ3       S-AK6
 H-Q10    C-A         H-J872
 D-K742               D-8
 C-K105   South       C-QJ973

 South    West      North    East
 Virgile  Weinstein McIntyre Polay
 P        P         1H       P
 P        P
 Montague Wood     Gorsey    Adler
 P        P        1H        2C
 P        3C       Double    P
 3D       P        P         P


1H made 2, 3D made 3, a push at 110.

Board 28 (NS vul, W deals):

.         North
 West     H-A108      East
 S-Q943   D-9764      S-J87
 H-J976   C-842       H-5
 D-10                 D-KQ832
 C-QJ107  South       C-AK95

 West      North    East    South
 Weinstein McIntyre Polay   Virgile
 P         1D       P       1H
 P         1NT      P       P
 Wood      Gorsey   Adler   Montague
 P         P        1D      1H
 Double    2D       3C      P
 P         P

This time, McIntyre opened light. The defense cashed 4 clubs and switched to hearts, so Glenn had eight tricks. Against Adler's 3C, Montegue led HK, H to H10, ruffed. When Adler led a low diamond, Montague won the jack and tried the S10. No good. Declarer took a ruffing finesse in diamonds and set up spades for 110. I think declarer can always make 3C if he guesses spades. 120 and 110 meant six imps to McIntyre.


Board 29 (Both vul, N deals)

.         North
 West     H-J6542     East
 S-AKJ52  D-KJ107     S-1064
 H-87     C-Q10       H-AK9
 D-A852               D-9643
 C-K9     South       C-732

 North    East    South    West
 McIntyre Polay   Virgile  Weinstein
 P        P       3C       3S
 P        P       P
 Gorsey   Adler   Montague Wood
 P        P       1C       1S
 Double   2S      2NT      3D
 P        P       P

Montague's 2NT was good-bad, the corollary to Mexican 2D. Adler passed Wood's 3D game try, but Wood used the top hearts to take a spade finesse and lead towards the club, for +110. Weinstein could have done the same in her 3S contract, but after the club queen was ducked to her king, she eschewed the spade finesse and went down one, five more imps to McIntyre.


Board 30 (None vul, E deals):

.          North
 West      H-10        East
 S-AQ76    D-K95       S-10
 H-AKJ972  C-Q10854    H-Q83
 D-4                   D-QJ1086
 C-32      South       C-J976

 East    South    West      North
 Polay   Virgile  Weinstein McIntyre
 P       1NT      2H        P
 P       P

 Adler   Montague Wood     Gorsey
 P       1NT      2H       2NT
 P       3C       3H       P
 4H      P        P        P

Wood's 2H showed majors, and Gorsey's 2NT relayed to 3C. To defeat 4H, the defense has to play trumps before West establishes transportation back to hand. Montague won the club lead and cashed another. It was probably too late already, but he still didn't play trumps, so declarer merrily crossruffed ten tricks. At the other table, North led a diamond, so declarer easily made 4, but Weinstein was only in 2H. Six more imps to McIntyre.


Board 31 (NS vul, S deals):

.         North
 West     H-J1092     East
 S-Q72    D-J         S-J1083
 H-K65    C-J94       H-3
 D-K108               D-Q75432
 C-Q865   South       C-K10

 South    West      North    East
 Virgile  Weinstein McIntyre Polay
 1H       P         1S       P
 2C       P         2D       P
 2NT      P         4H       P
 P        P
 Montague Wood      Gorsey   Adler
 1H       P         3D       P
 4H       P         P        P


Montague managed to set up dummy's long spade for an overtrick to gain 1 imp for 650 vs 620.

Board 32 (EW vul, W deals):

.         North
 West     H-93        East
 S-KQ4    D-764       S-32
 H-KQJ5   C-QJ942     H-107642
 D-QJ932              D-K8
 C-7      South       C-8653

 West      North    East    South
 Weinstein McIntyre Polay   Virgile
 1D        P        P       Double
 1H        2C       3H      3NT
 P         P        P
 Wood      Gorsey   Adler   Montague
 1D        P        P       2NT
 P         3C       P       3S
 P         P        P

In 3S, Montague won the HA and played ace and a trump. Wood didn't find the diamond shift, instead cashing his other trump and continuing hearts. Making four, when even 3S can be defeated. The other table's 3NT had 8 tricks and no chance for a ninth, 6 imps to Gorsey.


The McIntyre team won the second half 59-33, and the match by 33 imps. Thank you all for letting me watch, and good luck to McIntyre-Virgile and Wood-Adler in Nashville this summer.

Boston Nationals News


The Fall 2008 Boston NABC has selected a turkey as its logo, an appropriate choice for a Thanksgiving tournament in the district the Mayflower came to shore in. Look for the logo on documents and memorabilia. As the time approaches, I'll provide links to Boston NABC information here.


District 25's 2008 fall nationals co-chairs, Kathy Benjamin and Frank Lombardo, are filling the various committee chairs. I'll post these when I get them.


Other News

The Senior Regional will be held in North Falmouth, MA April 25-29, 2007. The District 25 tournament committee is making some schedule changes for 2007. The biggest is game times of 10 AM and 3 PM for senior events. There will be Compact Knockouts at the Summer Regional. Don't assume 2007 tournament schedules will be the same as 2006.

The webmaster solicits New England bridge-related written matter of suitable quality for posting. District 25 web site material is volunteer only, but you'll see your name in lights. Short is best.