Nature and goals of the Communication Committee.
The committee was established by D25 President Bob Bertoni in 2017 with the charge of making the district's communications more accurate, consistent, and timely.
The committee uses whatever tools are available to promote the activities of the district.
The chairman of the Communications Committee is appointed by the president.
Members of the Communications Committee are appointed by the chairman.
The webmaster, bulletin editor, and database manager, and email writer should certainly be invited to be on the committee.
At least one member of the Tournament Scheduling and Executive Committees should be on the committee.
The president should be invited to join and should be apprised of the status of all activities.
Other volunteers should periodically be solicited in order to generate fresh ideas.
Activities of the committee:
Meetings are held at every tournament except the Gold Mine on Saturday at 8:30.
Before meetings the chairman provides each member with the following materials:
In late 1999 the newly elected president terminated the meetings of the committee without officially disbanding it.