Welcome to Bridge Fest!
Bridge Fest is a 2-3 day Bridge Extravaganza that runs concurrently with the New England Regional Tournaments. It is designed for new and advancing players, who want to improve their game in a friendly and relaxed environment.
Each day of Bridge Fest is different, and will include one or more of the following:
Half Day Lectures by friendly Bridge Teachers, introducing and refining bridge concepts such as:
Finding the Killing Lead
OK, we won the first trick -- now what?
Declarer Play Strategies (how do I get the most tricks?)
No Trump is your friend -- most of the time...
How to bid Slams and when to do it
Pair (Matchpoint) scoring vs. Team (IMP) scoring differences and strategies
Tournament Bridge Etiquette
Pre-game Lectures (usually about 20 minutes in length), indroducing and/or reinforcing bridge concepts
Half Day Relaxed Pair competition (usually ~12 boards), with
A Bridge Game with your very own Fairy Goldmother, in a private bridge room
Red Masterpoints awarded
Trophys for the winners
Detailed Hand Analysis after the game
Full Day Relaxed Pair competition (two 24-board sessions), with
A Bridge Game with your very own Fairy Goldmother, in a private bridge room
Gold and Red Masterpoints awarded
Trophys for the winners
Lunch with the Fairy Goldmother between sessions, who will answer questions about the morning hands
Hand records after the game -- you are playing the same hands as the "experts", so you can compare your scores to them
The next Bridge Fest will be held in June, 2025 at the Newton, MA Regional. More details will be posted as they become available.
If you have questions,, comments or suggestions, click on the box below to email the Fairy Goldmother: