District 25
NEBridge - NAP 2023


Along with the cooling of the air and shortening of daylight, it is time for another annual event...the District North American Pairs (NAP) finals.  This year, all 3 events will be on the same weekend.  

Flight A will be played over two days: Saturday AND Sunday, October 7 & 8

Flight B: Sunday, October 8

Flight C: Saturday, October 7



To be eligible to play, you must meet the following requirements:

1.  Be a member-in-good-standing (i.e., dues paid up) of the ACBL and a resident of New England.

2.  Have played in a club-level NAP qualifying game, either face-to-face or online, and qualified, meaning you got masterpoints in the game or had a 50% or higher game.  You do not have to play in the District Finals with the same partner you played with at the club level.  If you are unsure, please check with the director in whatever game(s) you might have played in to qualify.  Qualification can be in any NAP qualifying game at a club anywhere in the ACBL.

3. To be eligible for the Flight B event, you cannot have more than 2500 masterpoints as of the May 6, 2023 (the masterpoint run that shows on your record on June 1).  There is no masterpoint restriction for Flight A.



The Flight A event will be played as a 2-session qualifying game, starting at 10AM on Saturday, October 7.  Approximately 50% of the field will advance to the 2-session final that will start at 10AM on Sunday, October 8.  If you enter the event, you must be able to play both days, i.e., you cannot play the first 2 sessions and then withdraw other than for an emergency.

The Flight B event will be played as a 2-session game, starting at 10AM on Sunday, October 8.  If you enter, you must be able to play both sessions; 1-session pairs are not allowed.  The start time for the second session on both days will be announced during the 10AM session.  It is expected that there will be a short break, 30 minutes or less, between the first and second session on both days.  

The Flight A event will play approximately 26-27 boards each session.  The Flight B event will play 24-27 boards each session.  The actual number will be decided by the director at game time based on the number of tables in the event.



Entry fee for both events is $20/player/session or $80/pair for the day.  In the Flight A, those pairs that qualify for the finals will pay before the start of the finals on Sunday morning.  All payments will be using BBO$.  Please be sure your BBO account has sufficient funds for your entry because, if it does not, we will not find out until after the game starts and, at that point, it will be impossible to get you back into the game.

While pre-registration is not required, it is highly recommended and will be helpful to getting a timely start.  Pre-register before 8:00pm on the eve of your event by emailing marcusp@att.net with your Flight and the following information for each player:

Name, ACBL #, phone number, email address and BBO id (please check spelling of the BBO id carefully)

A note for Flight B pairs: if you want, you can enter the Flight A event and, if you do not qualify, then play on Sunday in Flight B.  However, if you do that and do qualify for the Flight A final, you cannot drop out of Flight A and enter Flight B.

If you have any questions, please email Peter Marcus at marcusp@att.net.  On game day, for a time-critical problem, you can call...860-558-7698.


Looking forward to seeing you online next month for the most prestigious pair event in New England.

Peter Marcus
